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terentatek in naga sadow


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Also, try only attracting one at a time.


How do you do that? I've been using stealth to plant mines and lob grenades, but as soon as the first grenade goes off, they both charge me. I've used stun successfully, but they seem to be immune to Force Whirlwind. I'm a scoundrel/jedi sentinel, and really feeling the pinch with the slow Feats/Powers acquisition.

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I know the easiest way to beat those pesty terentateks! well i will share the idea with you. when you get to those pesty terentatek in that big room in naga shadow you will see a leaver in the far left hand corner near the door, open that door with the leaver and go in the room where you get those special grenades for the star map now while in the room STAY! in the room with the greandes and attack the terentatek with all grenades that you have got IN THE ROOM, and also the terentatek will not be able to attack you while you are in the room so stay there and use the grenades to attack the terentatek and they will not attack you while in that room once again and once you use all the grenades you have got stand in the door way near that room that i told you to stand in and just attack them with all you got (warning!! they will be able to get you in the door way where you will stand but if your health is down just retreat where you get the special grenades and recover your health again and once your health is up go in the door way again and attack them)...try this trust me its a a lot easier then the things you have been trying guys good luck! with my idea....write back and tell me how you went

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