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Questions, What Do You Think?


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Ok so when you die; do you lose everything? if you are a scout and become a creature tammer do you become scout again?


Is this game populateD?

Is this game fun?

If it newbie friendly?

Is it hard to play? I played Everquest, and Anarchy online,


I am not a big SW fan but would this game still be good?


Which would you suggest Star wars Galaxies or Anarchy online?



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1. First of all, not everything will kill you. Most of the animals for instance will only incapacitate you and go about their lifes. But try not to get incapped 3 times in a row within 10 minutes of eachother or you will die from it.


When you do die, you'll lose no skills.

However, if you haven't insured your items you are carrying they will suffer a 5% decrease in their, let's say, hitpoints. If you do insure them you'll only lose 1%.

Also, if you haven't cloned in a particulary cloning center on the planet you died, you will get some wounds to all 3 HAM bars (HAM = Health - Action - Mind). The 2 first wounds (Health and Action) will have to be treated by a doctor. The last one, Mind, you have to go to a cantina and watch some entertainers (dancers and musicians).



2. It's populated, atleast on Starsider.



3. Very fun, for me anyway. :)



4. Yes, I think so. I don't have experience with that, cause when I started playing, everyone was neqbies, so ... :)



5. I've played alittle EverQuest. I liked that game, but I love this one. But of course, I am a Star Wars fan so .... :D



6. That I cannot give you advice on as I've never played Anarchy Online.

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Most of the questions have been answered by Jan, but here's what I think.



Every MMORPG has them, serious to not-so serious.


On SWG, the only bugs I noticed up untill the mount patch were minor and bearly even effected the gameplay. Just little graphics glitches, or gameplay flaws that were easily avoided and fixed within the next Hotfix.


However, I'm on 56k and with the mount patch lately all there's been is lagg. I can't even go in bestne with my sound on, without crashing. I'm getting like 3 FPS and 3000 ping.



This is a fairly complicated game, but doesn't take long to settle into. However it is alot more indepth than many other MMORPGs like Asheron's Call.


The players I've met are all very friendly, and so far there's never been masses of people going 'STFU U NOOB!!!' to Newbies that ask questions, it's newbie-friendly alright. :)


Star Warsy-ness

I hate all the Star Wars Films, yet I love this game. You don't get bogged down by terminology and phrases. By not watching any of the films or reading the books, you lose nothing in terms of gameplay.

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