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Macros - Neato!


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Hey guys. For anyone that doesn't know what macros are, they are a set of commands stringed together in sequence. You can create your own macros for pretty much anything your heart desires. Here's some useful examples of macros I have made.



Attack Macro


/ui action targetSelf;

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;



/pause 10; (this will cause a wait for 10 second so i can catch up to the enemy before i do unarmedhit1 or else it will say "you are too far away to use that attack)




/pause 40; (this gives me time to kill the creature before i try to harvest)


/harvest hide;

/ui action toolbarSlot01 (this starts the whole attack over again. So it's really a never ending loop unless i move the icon to a different slot)



Sampling Macro:



/pause 500; (gives time for my action to get depleted. play around with this, it's different for everyone)



/pause 600; (gives time for my action to recharge, again, play with this, its different for everyone)


/ui action toolbarSlot04 (restarts the macro)



I have many many others. If you have any questions about any other macros feel free to ask. I just started playing with these today and they are really quite neat.



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  • 2 weeks later...

First off I'd like to say thanks for the informative post, these macro's make my TK much more fun/easier to play.


My question is, is there a command you can put at the end of a macro to stop the last command? With my macro, everything works fine and dandy until I get done with a lair (assuming i want to keep attacking as creatures spawn) is that if i tab again, and I target another creature further away that I may not want to attack, the last line in my macro will carry over, and make me attack them.


My macro looks like this:





/pause 10;





Thanks in advance.

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