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Is it worth it?


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hello every1 ive been hearing a lot about this game lately so i thought maybe id check it out and from what i saw on the official site the game is cool....i come from PlanetSide (mindless action 6 hours a day) so i just wanted to ask is SWG worth the 50$ then 15$ per month?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I cant see how the game is 'well made'.


The game feels nothing like Star wars at all and content is lacking throughout the gaming world.


Come back in 3 years and it might be worth it.



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Afraid not, Im in the exact same position as you, although ive read so much bad stuff about this game i still really want it lol even though im so worried about not being able to play it etc, check out these threads for some info of what you could get yourself into...


What hope for Galaxies?


Bugs, Glitches, So many problems, yet are there any cures?


And also Sorce you say its abit buggy but that doesnt affect your playing experience very much, have you ever had the 1FPS bug? Where your game slows right down for ages then sometimes comes back but then again sometimes closes to the desktop?

Or have you been the victem of any random crashes to your desktop or just lockups etc? Im just wondering because i want to get an idea of just how many people are having these problems...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

You get a 'free' 30 day subscription after forking out £35 in the UK for the game. My 30 days were spent trying to figure out why the game didnt actually work at all!



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Ya see, all these people trashing the game...just because they arent patient. So wat for bugs, ive gotten passed them. really, they havnt bothered me, im running 256 ram and i get less lag than others, the game requires 384. There are bugs, ya, but a lot of people get by just fine. and the game feels nothing like Star Wars? how can u say that. Every reviewer whose reviewed the game says there's lots of bugs but the star wars setting is one of the only things goin for it. I mean its not every day that u get attacked by a Walking fish with a blaster during a battle in the middle of the desert. Believe me it happens.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The game deserves all the bad press simply best of the way Sony handle its customers.


Why not take a look on the Tech Support forum on their Official Website and spare a thought for those who cant play for whatever reason.


They pay their money like everyone else, they want to play like everyone else but they cant play because Sony isnt helping them and with an income of $3.3 million a month in subscription fees, I find it totally unacceptable behaviour.


Updates have slowed, and it it seems to be are more and more bugs. Ive just lost 1.5 million worth of stock on my vendor...any hopes of getting it back? Not a chance, especially when I have an open ticket of 3 months.


Theres patient and theres patient and @ $12 a month (average) some patient can be a very expensive experience.



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Im afraid i cant look at the tech support because i dont own the game.

I see why they do that now! :mad:

How come youve lost so much stock on your 'vendor'? (god knows what a vendor is...)

I dont have alot to say but i by what alot of people are saying im very dissapointed with SOE and im just dissapointed, i really loved the sound of an open whole new Galaxy based around some of my favourite movies, Star Wars, being able to create a character and do anything you want to, but thanks to SOE, youve ruined that dream, i hate you SOE!


*runs off crying like a little girl*

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It is strange all the problems I have. No other game has ever been like this and if i do have problems, a quick driver update is normally the cure.


Galaxies is different. It's become a chore, especially when you try 58 times just to start the game :-(


I really want Galaxies to work and as I have said b4, there is no doubt that one day the game will rock. However, the way Sony are treating those who are having problems wont help them.


Every unhappy customer tell at least 10 people, who tell another 10 and so on. Every happy customer might tell 2-5 people, who tell 5 people and so on.


The fact the game is dead in the UK before it even got started shows that we dont like to play things full of bugs and issues.


Losing stuff on my vendor (NPC shop keeper) is a mystery. Basically I was moving stock around. Then i clicked back on my vendor and it was empty.


Then i clicked on it again and more stuff vanished. Until it was empty. Ive logged back in and still nothing. I still have an open ticket from 3 months ago when i lost 200k worth of stuff and I have very little hope of recovering 1.5million worth of stock.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

pvp is flawed and some of the old style large battles have stopped. Most people dont get involved and just stand around watching others die.



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well i come from a game where there is "mindless actiong" 24/7 so i thought maybe i should try a "slower" game...i think SWG is just what im looking for....i dont mind all those bugs cuz i got 512mb RAM 128mb Gforce 4 shouldnt be laggy at all

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I've been following your posts a bit on the ever returning question "Is it worth it?" and must say, pardon me for doing so, that i'd think u should drop your account from SWG.


Simply stop playing please.


Never ever can u be a bit more enthousiastic towards new players and it seems your one of few that cant stand SWG for all it has to offer.


Sure it has some flaws and stuff that is'nt right but you are enjoying something otherwise you'd quit a long time ago.


Besides some of the problems i hear u talk about is system performance. I never ever got 1 fps. Never. I would strongly suggest either comming to a european server like Chimera or FarStar or doing a system upgrade.


U cant let your own problems be a factor towards other, mostly new, players. please stop that.


I have to agree with Jan here. Its your loss. Only i have to add to that that i cant find myself paying per month to fiddle out problems. I, in your case, would have returned the game within the 30 day trial and indeed.... accept the loss. (other then the things i mentioned above by getting different tryouts on different computers with if possible different connections... Did i mention FarStar and Chimera yet?)


Maybe i ranted on to much and its nothing personal DMUK.

My appologies if i offended you. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I never get offended but i am not impressed if people don't actually read posts correctly.


I play because i like the community. Ive said that all along.

The game is poor because with the so called experience of online games, Sony should be doing better.


You havent experience 1 fps? Impossible. Either that or you never get around much or dont have the Network checking thing on. 1 fps is common for everyone.


I dont see why i should have to change server. I can handle the 1fps and ping because i am connecting to a server miles away. i deal with that.


As for upgrading my PC. I have a kick ass system at home, that I upgraded just to play Galaxies.


AMD athlon 2.0 gig

Radeon 128 9800 pro

1.1 gig ram

1 meg broadband

80 gig hardrive with only galaxies on it


I think i qualify above the minium spec. As for trying out on various systems, i have. Ive tried it on 6 different computers and all have had different results and it came as a major surprise that the lowest spec PC was the most stable!


That being


Win 98

256 mb ram

1.0 gig intel p3

50 gig harddrive

nvidia 64 mb geforce 3 (which i used to have but it didnt work!)

not sure on our works server but its fast broadband.


I suffer an amazing amount of crashing but then the odd day, the game loads first time and i have no problems - which point to poor programming from Sony. Since the last patch, the game has been the worst ever. 58 crashes in a 4 hour spell, with just 1.5 hours of gameplay, the rest was spent rebooting and logging/relogging.


Why do i hate the game so much?

Maybe its not the game so much. Its the fact Sony make no effort to help anyone. During my problems, they have blamed everything on my PC from RAM to my ISP. I now have a different ISP and its the same problems. My old ISP said its something on a programming front causing problems - and I am more inclined to believe them then a bunch of useless twits @ Sony.


The game was also released too early to make as much money as possible ($3.3 million a month) and the updates are now slowing down.



Why do i play?

Community is great and if i dont travel anywhere, i can have alittle more fun. The game will improve over time but how much money will it cost those who cant play.


Most people are only saying the game is great because its Star Wars - its not. It lacks decent content, although these NPC raids ive heard about takes a step in the right direction.


PvP is flawed, and recently i lost 1.5 million worth of stock on a vendor. So i think i am allowed to be mad. I give people a different side of things. Those who dont have problems love it, fine...those that have problems dont..thats the way it is and until Sony wake up and actually offer help, I will always make sure that people who ask know both sides of the story.


And incase you are wondering how i have checked the game on so many different PCs and graphics cards, i work for a games publisher in the UK and we have dozens of PCs with different specs.



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Hey im glad u take it this wel DM and i was'nt flaming u in any way.


I was just wondering how'd u be playing still and ur answer reveals everything.


But about that FPS meter. It sux anyway and since ur a game enthousiast it shouldnt matter what the gauges read.


I for one don't have that network thingie on. Had it on at first, saw a 53 ping for few minutes and turned it off. FPS ran at 22 and i was in Mos Eisly.


As for frames per second i dont in generaly experience 1fps by looking at it. Even if i go into city's like Theed on a crowded friday evening. Sure it stutters a bit upon entry and my disk spins up a bit but nothing out of the ordinary.


I do agree the specs on SWG are a bit steep to fully enjoy it.


Given the fact that i have:

PIV 2,8 Ghz HT

1 Gig of ram at 400Mhz

Serial ATA disk

FX5900 Ultra


and like i said i do encounter slowdowns upon entry of a crowded place but i'd suspect a system like mine shouldnt even have to cough to get it loaded.


So there i agree on you. Only not the 1fps visible part. A meter sure, it can read 1fps but not seeing it onscreen while im playing.


My silly advice: turn off that network monitor thingie :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

PC gamer reviewed Galaxies on a mamouth 3.2 P4, top specs on everything with all the option on and it chugged!


galaxies is certainly the better looking of all the games out there but currently graphics cards and maybe even PCs cant handle it. Who knows.


Im looking to do a major upgrade in the new year to that new AMD 64 chip thing.



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Yes, I think I may have experienced it - but it only happens when my computer is drawing/experiencing populated areas such as Coronet starport. This isn't a problem because either you're just passing through and you can still control direction easily enough or you're looking to stay and talk, which is also ok because this doesn't really involve much action - and once all the detail has finished drawing I get a pretty decent framerate even with 20-30 people in my frame of view.


The only real thing that has affected me in anything more than a very minor way is the server lag, often I will type something and it won't appear until 5-10 seconds later, but this is just low-bandwidth problems and not anything to do with the game, it may just be FarStar only.


And you maybe right about Sony's lack of support, but I havn't experienced any problems and the monthly content update is a real plus.


Also DMUK, I wish you would stop whining, firstly it puts new people off and secondly, and more importantly, its very annoying.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Puts people off? Good for them i say. Everyone is entitled to their view.


If people visiting here just read about how wonderful the game is then experience problems, they, like I did, would blame and look at their computer and try to resolve the issue, or like me, waste hours with the CSRs.


People ask the question, they deserve both sides of the story. If you live in the UK, read PC gamers review and I am not the only one who has found alot wrong with the game. It was released too early and yes, give it another year it will probably have alot more.


Its great for those who dont experience problems but 30% of players are. Thats a very high number. I dont think theres 300,000 still playing this game, but to use that figure, gives you 90,000 people with problems. Thats far too many and with an income of $3.3 million a month in fees, not enough is being done to help them.


I speak with Lucasarts alot and chat about all these problems and yes, some they are trying to deal with and yet others are given low priority.


its not an easy job but when you are paying your fee and you are experience the problem, you want it sorted out fast. At the end of the day, everyone wants to play without any problems.



As for monthly content...we are paying a monthly fee, so this is expected. I have played alot of games in my time and i expect to see certain bugs etc but when you don't get much help at times, especially for computer nOObs out there, it leaves a foul taste in the mouth.



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I think your better of choosing the closest server to your home geograficly (<- this the right way to spell it ;) )


If u live in Europe better choose one of those.


Otherwise choose an American server of wich i dont know wich one is the most populated.

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<quote>And also Sorce you say its abit buggy but that doesnt affect your playing experience very much, have you ever had the 1FPS bug? Where your game slows right down for ages then sometimes comes back but then again sometimes closes to the desktop?

Or have you been the victem of any random crashes to your desktop or just lockups etc? Im just wondering because i want to get an idea of just how many people are having these problems...</quote>


Never had any problems.


AMD Athelon XP 1.4 gHz

768 DDR RAM (PC266)

1 WD 40 gig HDD (NT/2000/XP, never keep you swap file on the OS drive if you have multiple drives)

1 WD 20 gig HDD (swap file on this drive)

NVidia GF 5200 Ultra 256 MB DDR


I play in 1024 x 768, with the options for SWG set to Use Low Detail Textures. Never been kicked to desktop or gotten a 1fps bug. As you can see my PC is not new.


I do totally agree that this game needs in game GMs to assist players with bug related issues. They had them in Everquest, I played EQ for 3 years and had a few issue when I had to contact GMs/CS and always came away with a good experience. SWG really needs to improve CS for SWG! (a slogan!) :fett: :fett:

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