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Is it worth it?


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Originally posted by HawkEyes

I think your better of choosing the closest server to your home geograficly (<- this the right way to spell it ;) )


If u live in Europe better choose one of those.


Otherwise choose an American server of wich i dont know wich one is the most populated.


Is there any difference between the server exept the population?

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For what server you want to play on, chose whatever one you would like to play on. :)


I live in Norway, and I play on Starsider.

I play with a ping between 200 and 300 normally.

A few times in the earlier days I played with 5000 in ping, but was still able to play the game fine. Alittle stuttery and slow when typing, but you could play. :)


Try surviving connecting to an FPS game with that kind of ping, and see what happens. :D

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Well Matri00,

All the servers start the same, but players build there own cities and things, so you'll find that after some time, they'll be different except for the main cities. I've just strated playing last friday, and I chose to play on eclipse, and american server, mainly because it's highly populated and I didn't really know better.


Unfortunately, all the american servers have been going for some time and almost all the players on them are masters of every skill possible. It's handy in a way, because you can learn a lot from the other people who are more experienced than you.


The european servers are newer and have less people on them, but this means you'll be starting a little more equal to everybody else, and a lot of the worlds won't be sprawling with buildings. I, myself, am thinking of starting again on one of the european servers for these reasons.


Oh, I might as well mention that, because of the very nature of european servers, there are europeans on it. Expect some people to speak French or German only.


Hope this is some help to you.

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That 1FPS bug every one is crying about is stupid. It only happens in large cities, ie. theed, coronet, mos eisly. As for servers i play on the gorath server with the german folk, they are pretty cool and easy to get along with...even though there are many americans on that server heh

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There is not much difference in what server u choose other than the player altered things.


As for language problems. I had more people on Kauri (US-East) speaking foreign languages then on the FarStar (Europe) were most of them speak english. (exept if u have a german hunting group running past u but hey, you dont speak bothan as a human too in the beginning right ?)


One of the few positives about running on the europe server instead of a US one has to be the ping for me. I have things done a bit faster since im on a 30 ping now instead of a 423.


It dont matter much but somethings just go faster like serverside objects being loaded and stuff.

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The Game is a blast. Lots of fun and very addictive. I have had very good service from Sony. Sure it has bugs but what doesn't. It's new and you have to walk before you run. The worst thing about the game isn't the game its self but all of the WAAAAAAA-WAAAAA posts but some brit who is obviously had a bad experience. Get over it and move on DMUK. If you don't like the game then play something else and take your bad attitude with you.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Thats all we need.


Someone who thinks he knows it all without READING posts. Post something constructive Wesia next time. Im not about to repeat myself.


I have thrown up very valuable arguements about the game - go take a look and comeback



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Oh yeah.. it's great to you guys who just started.

I've been playing (well, cancelled for now for 2nd time) since release and after about a month, maybe 2, you will all realize that this game has no content.


There's nothing there.. it's empty, blank, boring, dull.. that nice cool feeling you have after a few days to a week gameplay is just a shell. All that pretty Star Wars stuff you look at is just a very thin shell called a gimmick.


PvP, continuation, the story, missions, player content - all lacking. Take that and mix it with serious bugs that have been around since betas that haven't even be TOUCHED and this game is a joke.


I stick around because I'm a Star Wars super-geek and this game.. it's not Star Wars. It might look like Star Wars but it's not.. it's a weak attempt at Star Wars and an MMO. I want this game to be MUCH better than it is. I'll probably continue my subscription in February to see what's up.


Oh, and for those of you who are wondering whether or not they should try the game (yeah - if you're a masochist).. you should check the SWG official forums -- oh wait, you can' t because they closed them from public (non-suscriber) view.. Gee, I wonder why that is. I know! It's because the majority of the playerbase is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY unhappy with this game.


Did I say game? It's not a game, it's a second job -- it's not fun. Everything you do after you get over the awe factor is a big chore. There's no incentive.. no point.


That's my opinion but I share that with the majority of the SWG Playerbase -- this game sucks and SOE doesn't seem to care.


I say, wait a year before attempting -- hopefully (if the game is still alive) it should be MUCH better.

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Calling SWG the collest game ever is really the funniest thing I've heard all week. SWG good, brinking on the edge of average and less than average I'd say.


I've been playing for 3 weeks now, and personally I feel as if it's incomplete. Like all MMORPGs there are lots of bugs, serious and small. It's Sony's lack to fix them that amkes this different to normal MMOG's.


Player housing is pretty pointless, I'd like to see better ways of decorating your home. GO to a player city and look in the player houses, they're all the same. Even mine.


Moving back on topic though, this affair with Mounts has really damaged by faith in this game. 56k players can't enter the main cities without completely lagging out, client crashing or pings of 11k upwards. Before the patch you could stand in any city, no matter how many people were there. And, to make matters worse they're putting Viehcles into the game, without fixing the mounts. I can see my client running smoothly now.


But anyway, after my subscription runs out. I don't think I'll repay unless there's been massive changes.


In my opinion the game was released far too soon.


Originally posted by Wesia Daoke

i think is the coolest game ever. though i dont own it i have a friend who does and i played it when it first came out and it wasnt that great then but it is so much better with mounts and vechicles coming soon i wish my computer would run it but wut can i do.


Actually, mounts and Viehcles were the biggest mistake Sony made, in my opinion. They've ruined the game for most 56k users, and in my opinion are a pointless, overpriced feature.

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i dont think 56k users should be allowed to play SWG...they're lagging the whole story....its just like in any other game - when a 56k'er joins the server everybody's ping goes up and up....god cant you people afford atleast DSL???if not how can you afford playing a game for 14$ a month????

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Originally posted by Matri00

i dont think 56k users should be allowed to play SWG...they're lagging the whole story....its just like in any other game - when a 56k'er joins the server everybody's ping goes up and up....god cant you people afford atleast DSL???if not how can you afford playing a game for 14$ a month????


Depends if they have DSL or Cable in their area...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Not everyone can get Cable/ASDL and in the UK especially it is very expensive and hard to get.


And today i will be cancelling my account thankfully. Galaxies just is NOT worth it. EverQuest in Star Wars drag just doesnt warrant any more of my time


Role on the new Lucasarts RTS!



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