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Not being able to wear all clothing


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I am very annoyed at the fact that much of the clothing in SWG is male/female specific, meaning you have to be a certain sex to wear it.


For example, i am a Twi'lek and although i have been playing for a short time, i have accomplished a number of skills and i dont want to start again as a female.


"Why would you want to?", i hear most of you say, well certain items of clothing i want can not be worn by me because im male.

Like the Twi'lek Lekku head wraps that im so fond off, and a number of other items, i just find it annoying, i know a line has to be drawn, but why shouldnt i be able to wear what i want in game?.

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I had hoped to be able to wear the marksman's duster over my stormtrooper armor, myself. Sure, you'd have to make it almost XXL but it'd be possible. Apparently it was not to be...


And why the frel can't I wear a backpack and a bandolier at the same time? That's just plain silly.


I didn't know there were gender limitations, so I don't know what those limitations are. All I can say is that if girls can wear pants, guys should be able to wear skirts.

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why would you like to wear a gunmans duster with your ST armor? that would look really strange.


clothes use a certain slot to cover a part of your body, a master tailor that takes his/her time to investigate can tell you about that.


the reason why you can't wear a gunmans duster with your st armor, you can wear a shirt if you want and then wear the ST chestplate, but the devs didn't make a third slot so you can use the duster, that's the reason you can't wear it at the same time. the shirt will use the chest slot while the ST armor will cover the jacket slot, and because the jacket slot is used, there's no space for a real jacket.


about the twi'lek thing, i didn't know about that, i have a twi'lek on starsider and didn't have problems about that, but well, i'm playing a female character and she's not using a lot of things.

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*cough cough * cross dresser *cough cough*

erm nasty cough i have today :-p


men can were robes ( the closest thing to a skirt) try a doctors robe ( go's for about 5k ) also a dress robe ( about 1-3k depending on the colors)


as for the lekku wrap: do you have any other head gear on?


@valley you can not use ST or all armor chest plates, and all arm ammor with the jacket- duster- cloke. you can use gloves boots leggens mask and backpack though ( tip use maurbi under shirt it gives you more protection )


lol sorry i cant spell :-p

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Originally posted by _RyyniC_

*cough cough * cross dresser *cough cough*

erm nasty cough i have today :-p



Your very funny indeed,

i dont expect that kind of attitude,

not even if had said i wanted to wear "Revealing Fleshwrap",

which i didnt, i just wanted to wear the stringy Lekku wrap over my snake head because i think it looks cool.

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oh i am very funny :jawa

but the fact is that a lekku wrap is ment for a women, and your playing as a man.. which brings up my cross dresser. ( like a male trandoshion in a thong ( brings up bad images a? )


hey i am only 14 i am spose to have a attitude ;)

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The fact that your 14 explains alot,

you dont go accusing people of being something when you know nothing about them.

I object to your name calling.


But back on topic, im sure alot of the stuff thats in this game clothing wise has been seen in the films of Star Wars, but im also sure that there are certain items that the game developers have created themselves, and in that case, at least, if it isnt in the Star Wras canon, who cares who wears it?.


After all this is only a video game, its also one you pay for every month, so you should be able to do whatever you want.

There is nothing overtly female about the Lekku wrap.

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I just have to throw in my two cents =)


I agree, I've been playing a Male Twilek almost since the day SWG started, and I've forever been trying to keep my characters look "unique"... the only things male Twileks can place on their heads are absolutely HORRIBLE... the only thing I've found that looks even remotely eye-pleasing is the Composite Helmet (Sort of get a cool "Predator" vibe when I see it) or nothing at all. (On the head slot.. get your mind out of the gutter)




Coolness is in the eye of the beholder =P


I'd love a black wrappy thing for my Twileks Lekku



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I don't mean to post in multiple threads about the same subject but I didn't seem to spark even 1 response in the thread I started and this thread seems to be connected.:sort of:


I am still trying to find a way to skin the models. Here's the deal, usually the textures are stored (or cached as they like to say) somewhere on your system. They can be altered but only you see the changes because the game loads the stored texture from your system. I don't know if this is true in this game but I'm trying to find out.


I know it can be done with Jedi Knight as well as many other games. Most of the time I get - "If nobody can see them then what good are they" ; The answer for me is I make the skins for myself to see if anyone else wants to see the skins then they can install them on their own system.


Some people have emailed me already asking for a way to change the models clothes. Since I don't have the game I was hoping the community could help with this.



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Originally posted by Afterthot

I just have to throw in my two cents =)


I agree, I've been playing a Male Twilek almost since the day SWG started, and I've forever been trying to keep my characters look "unique"... the only things male Twileks can place on their heads are absolutely HORRIBLE... the only thing I've found that looks even remotely eye-pleasing is the Composite Helmet (Sort of get a cool "Predator" vibe when I see it) or nothing at all. (On the head slot.. get your mind out of the gutter)




Coolness is in the eye of the beholder =P


I'd love a black wrappy thing for my Twileks Lekku





Exactly my point, its annoying, i try my best to make my character look unique as well, and i spend alot of money on clothes, im trying to build up a number of outfits so i can have a change now and again, and one of the things i really want is the Lekku Wrap.


Your right about those male twilek hats, i have one and its just awful it doesnt match with anything.

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thats why all u non-human species (including myself) are unique. Im a dark purple mon calamari hehe, thats wat sets me apart from others. As for u guys who wanna wear skirts, you make some people think, we cant help it...its just...well u wanna complain about not being able to wear female's clothing. any way i hate clothes, all i need is my ubese armor and my white duster and white palimonary camos when i play in the cantina

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I will refrain from cursing here, but Mon cal, will you ever get a f@@%%n clue?, none of us said we wanted to wear a skirt,

do you actually read threads??, that was an ironic statement made by a 14 year old.


Im going to spell it out, im interestd in the Twilek lekku wrap, who said thats female only?, apart from the devs?, and if only they said it, it being fairly generic and not particularly female in its look, should it not be for all sexes?.


Of course im quickly learning that there are alot of pre-pubescent posters on this board.

Im not generalising, but you know who you are, grow up.

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I find this amusing. You really should worry less about having insufficient slots for your desired clothing, and concentrate on investing in a sense of humour Torres. :)


But anywho... I was annoyed to find out that the Grand healer's robe was female only. :eek: Then again, it is a bit tight.

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well theres torres acting like a @$$hole again.. just because you can spell better, dosent make you more mature. you act like my little brother LOL


you know torres i think you nead to mature some and learn to take a joke before you go about posting ( pardon my french) Bull**** about me and the fishy who i have come to like :-p *note* in a non sexually way :-p *note*( it takes a specal person to be a fish in a game * wink wink*)


i suggest we make peace before we get in trouble with the addmis though, hate to be band from this awsome site

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heh, try being a wookiee. I play a wookiee tailor and I SHOULD be able to make myself a suit to size if I darned well please. But no, I'm forced to dress like a monk from the darkages, an S&M gladiator or a nameless extra from a Beastmaster episode. Not only is wookiee clothing limited in look, but it has the most limited color selection. I got tired of not seeing good wookiee clothing on the markets and in tailor shops, so I decided to become a tailor to make good wookiee clothing.... and I must say that it is hella lame. I see twileks head tentacles sticking out of everykind of armor, yet a wookiee cant wear a nice suit?


The Dev's just tryin to keep us Wookiees down, man. :p This **** is wrong, man :p:wookiee:

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I never upset the peace in the first place,

i was angry at the way you brushed off my comments and others with "as for you guys who wanna wear skirts",

none of us have complained about that,

and its obvious from the number of replies that people are interested in this.


Im not going to make this a battle.

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If the main objective of the game is truly "to live in the star wars universe" as the devs have stated, then the game should be as realistic as possible. The inability to wear whatever you want certainly detracts from that realism. I can only imagine how many alien crossdressers there were in the movies that went completely unnoticed by moviegoers ;). And while I sympathize with those who are frustrated with the dev's decision on this, a possible explanation could be that they see the lekku wrap as a sort of bonnet. Can you imagine if we saw wookiees running around in bonnets?

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Originally posted by Soda Fett

If the main objective of the game is truly "to live in the star wars universe" as the devs have stated, then the game should be as realistic as possible. The inability to wear whatever you want certainly detracts from that realism. I can only imagine how many alien crossdressers there were in the movies that went completely unnoticed by moviegoers ;). And while I sympathize with those who are frustrated with the dev's decision on this, a possible explanation could be that they see the lekku wrap as a sort of bonnet. Can you imagine if we saw wookiees running around in bonnets?


No matter what the objectives of the game is, it's just a game. If it was an offline game it could follow the game word-to-word. But it's an Online game, it has to be evenly balanced for all players, no matter what happends in the movies.

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