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If you're a Merchant with vendors..read on

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

A new bug has been discovered and its a nasty one. If your stock is older than 14 days, it will vanish from your vendor!


It's happened to me and to many others I know and you risk losing alot of stock and with the way CSR's handle this type of problem, you might lose it forever.


The only way around it until Muppet land fix it is to withdraw from sale the item, remove it from the vendor into your inventory, then relist it again. A pain but its better than losing 1.5 million worth of stock as I have.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Im a vendor. I went mad not knowing. I found it on the official Merchant forum. Like all the bugs, Sony are aware and want Merchants to post what they have lost.





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