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Getting Pistol Xp


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Does anyone have any suggestoins for grinding out some pistol XP. I'm working on pistoleer and the amount of XP need is mind numbing. I'm not looking for a cheat or an exploit just some techniques or good ideas to make the size of xp needed a little more managable.

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Find a group and do hunting/destroy missions.


use only your gun.


Being in group generaly gets u more challeging missions and therefore gets you more XP for killing a guy.


Go on personel explorer missions where u have to shoot like 30 gorgs or so. Also good for XP.

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I found that I could get good pistol xp by myself just killing things outside tyrena. Now I am so skilled that I only get 1 pistol xp for the creatures out there but I used to get at least 100 for each one. Now if you go with a hunting group to a good place you might get 1000 xp per kill or even more but how long does it take to kill those things? Even with a big group it usually takes just as long as if I killed about 9 things for 1000 xp outside tyrena. What is the difference you may ask? Well you don't have to run to some far away place and if you die you don't clone 3000 meters away and you can use almost any pet to tank for you and I could go on. The best spot is to start at the shuttleport that is close to the starport. run down to the creek/river that splits the city and then back to just outside the shuttleport. Keep going back and forth. If nobody else is there more creatures will spawn when you return. I leveled up very fast by doing this.

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using pets to tank is funny. I have a full grown rock beetle and I Was using it yesterday to tank for me while I killed some squills/mountain squills. All I have is a FWG5 :) Poor beetle was almost dead though after i killed like 4 of them. He had like 200 health left. I was like...I should probably stop now :)

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They do indeed steal XP points from you, yes. Not only that, but faction points aswell.


However, by using a pet or 2 you can increase the difficulty level you can take on. The greater the difficulty, the greater the XP reward is. Also, if you use missions, the greater the money reward. ;)


And the money reward you will get all for yourself, even if you never fired a single shot or single punch. :D

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Go to Dantioone and find a group, buy some weapons that do different damage types, IE heat,acid,blast,engery, ect. When fighting choose the wep that hurts the creature the most. Like Acid dam to a most Lizards, just check creature stats and resistance before attacking. I get over 5000+ xp per creature that way :) Combat points in the 500 range I think. You can also make tons of money this way too. Just a group of three to four we where getting 23k missions split four ways. Make 100k in a few hours. I'm down to 330k right now, even with all the stuff I buy all the time lol. Living Large haha. BTW i've only done one BH mission, good money but hunting is better.


Master Scout

Master Marksman

Master Pistoleer

BH LVL 3 Pistol

Novice Medic


0 Skill points


Lol I've dropped so many Professions I bet I'll open up a Force S Slot soon.

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Dont know of any dual pistol stuff, it would be nice but I don't think that will happen.


Yes 1500-2000+ easy with stopping shot and other skills.

800 for double tap, pistoleer is nice with BH skills. Have to give up bh pistol 4 (torso shot) to keep my medic tree sine my action ham goes down too quick with the specials. BH takes up too much skills points lol.

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there's a good tip to get lots of XP.


just pick up a good partner JUST ONE preferently, go to Dath and take missions to kill Giant Baz Nitches.


Why dath??? so you won't need to be with a lot of people in a big group to get a high level mission and they won't take the XP you can get.


you will need to have a good armor and a good partner to do those missions and you get around 3 or 4k pistol XP per baz nitch.


If you don't find lots of giant baz nitches, Mutant baz nitches give you around 2 or 3k pistol xp.




I did that with a friend that was working with his graffiti stick when i only had 2000 pisto xp (after becoming a novice pistoleer) and 3 days, 8 missions a day and I got enough xp to get pistol tech1, pistol tech 2 and a good amount of xp for pistol tech 3.


of course don't forget to bring some good stims ;)

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Its preference, but I like bigger groups due to the amount of missions party members x2 so sometimes we get 4 mission in a 200m radius and with having a boarder amount of professions we can take thing down really fast and make tons of money while doing it. But their is a bigger chance that sometimes the group can be a lot of noobs or imature people that just dont know how to team play

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Originally posted by Devil Doll

there's a good tip to get lots of XP.


just pick up a good partner JUST ONE preferently, go to Dath and take missions to kill Giant Baz Nitches.


Why dath??? so you won't need to be with a lot of people in a big group to get a high level mission and they won't take the XP you can get.


you will need to have a good armor and a good partner to do those missions and you get around 3 or 4k pistol XP per baz nitch.


If you don't find lots of giant baz nitches, Mutant baz nitches give you around 2 or 3k pistol xp.




I did that with a friend that was working with his graffiti stick when i only had 2000 pisto xp (after becoming a novice pistoleer) and 3 days, 8 missions a day and I got enough xp to get pistol tech1, pistol tech 2 and a good amount of xp for pistol tech 3.


of course don't forget to bring some good stims ;)



I just want to agree with Devil Doll here. Small groups can give better XP in the long run. And doing what he said can be done with all weapons :D

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Last night I went to fort tusken. then I went to dantooine. I used my graul as a tank and went by myself. I was getting 5000 pistol xp per kill if someone else didn't come along and start firing. And some guy was trying to call kills. He said he was calling the tusken warlord but I had already got my graul on it before he said that. I told him you can't call things and he said "lol, I know". It was funny. I always say the best group you can have is you and your pet. But I used tons of stims :)

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Yes having a tank is nice, I use to have a greater Sludge Panther (4) until I had to drop CH. Since I lost that tank I had to fin for myself, low lvl pets die too quickly. My new probot works nice :) 40% everything resistance for doing thing solo.


Do whats best for your style of playing, since I'm master gunfighter,BH3,Master Marksman,Master Scout,Novice Medic with 450B stims I dont need much help anymore or the need to hunt lol.


But this game is designed to interactive with other people in almost every aspect. Might as well buy on of Lucas Arts single player starwars games :)

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Originally posted by krimson17

But this game is designed to interactive with other people in almost every aspect. Might as well buy on of Lucas Arts single player starwars games :)


oh I want to interact and do more group things but at the moment I am stuck with 32mb graphic card and I get 1 fps most of the time so I find it easier to be on my own. I do go with some groups. But this Christmas I will be getting 64mb card so maybe that will help some and I will be able to do more group things.

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Originally posted by Diables

oh I want to interact and do more group things but at the moment I am stuck with 32mb graphic card and I get 1 fps most of the time so I find it easier to be on my own. I do go with some groups. But this Christmas I will be getting 64mb card so maybe that will help some and I will be able to do more group things.


From 32 - 64mb will not do much change if the memory bandwidth isn't alot faster then your 32MB and most of the time they're not. I say go for a 128MB if you want a huge change, they often got faster memory as well.

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I donno exactly... But a Geforce 4 Ti 4600 Maybe costs 100 - 150$ Or the you might get the Geforce 4 Ti 4400 under 100$ in these days. I am not sure. Take a look on those (Ti stands for Titanium) So when you ask in the store or whatever say Geforce Titanium 4400/4600.



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Hell dude, even a GeForce 4 TI 4200 is good. And pretty sure you can get those for under $100.


As for how to make XP, I'd say either solo, solo with pets for tanking, or perhaps small groups. Not really one for the large group thing, though I have to agree, they do give pretty good money and good XP.



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- Jan



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