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Video Cards HELP


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What is better for Graphics card to run this game?



GeForce FX 5200 Video Card, AGP, 128MB DDR $100




Radeon 9200 Video Card, AGP 8x, 128MB DDR $100


also will the game run alright wit


Windows XP



80GB hardrive

(((256 Ram))) if this is a big problem wich i think it is would another 256 RAM do the trick? wil the game run pretty smooth on my comp


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Both video cards will do in this price range and i would surely boost that ram up to 512 or if possibly the double of that.


The CPU will do fine as well but do expect some major slowdowns in crowded citys especialy when your also unfortunate to have broadband.

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I have to disagree a bit on that DM.


I have a FX5900 and a friend of mine has a Radeon 9800Pro.


If i compare the problems he has and i dont have regarding compatibilty of software Nvidia wins on all aspects.


The most recent being the failure of Call of Duty (up to last patch, it seems over now).


I wont start over performance cause they overall dont differ that much but it seems Radeon allways wins.


Come to think of it, i've just read another reply of you where u placed both pc specs from the one at home and the one at work.


It seems to me that Nvidia wins again beeing the card at your work and running SWG properly in contrast to your Radeon at home wich runs like... well... crap as u say it?.


Interresting question for a poll here.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ah but you failed to notice that my Nvidia i used to own failed to even launch the game.


Its always a tough call. its like some people always prefer AMD over Intel etc.



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Originally posted by HawkEyes

I have to disagree a bit on that DM.


I have a FX5900 and a friend of mine has a Radeon 9800Pro.


If i compare the problems he has and i dont have regarding compatibilty of software Nvidia wins on all aspects.


The most recent being the failure of Call of Duty (up to last patch, it seems over now).


I wont start over performance cause they overall dont differ that much but it seems Radeon allways wins.


Come to think of it, i've just read another reply of you where u placed both pc specs from the one at home and the one at work.


It seems to me that Nvidia wins again beeing the card at your work and running SWG properly in contrast to your Radeon at home wich runs like... well... crap as u say it?.


Interresting question for a poll here.


the radeon issue you mention is a problem with the catalyst drivers. anyone who has ever has a radeon card for an extended amount of time knows that you don't use radeon drivers. 3rd party drivers own for radeon cards. most notably the drivers from http://www.omegacorner.com

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