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Accidental Character Deletion 'n More...


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First of all, this isn't one of those cleverly worded posts about how I'm tryin to warez the game without actually saying I'm stealing it. This is an honest to God legit question about installing SWG on multiple computers.


My roommate purchased SWG last week, and needless to say its really captured the rest of the guys' attention in our house, especially since finals are coming up and we're looking for any excuse to put down the books for at least 5 minutes. He just bought a new Dell, and runs the game beautifully. I'm considering purchasing the game as well, but i'm concerned about how well it will run on my machine. I have a 3 year old Dell which meets all of the minimum requirements - but I want to see for myself how well, or awful it runs on my computer. I don't want to purchase a copy of the game and a subscription if it runs like garbage on my PC.


My question is, am I able to:

1.) Install the game and log into my roommate's account without putting in billing information/blah blah/etc?


2.) If I'm able to do this, would playing my roommate's account on MY computer affect/delete/whatever the next time he tried to play on HIS computer?


My computer specs are as follows:


PIV 1.3 gHz

256mb PC600 RAM

GeForce 2MX 32mb AGP

1mb DSL line.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


- Jayhawks

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i think it might run but just very slowly or choppy.


expecialy in towns or crowded areas.


im getting the game 2 and im worried about my comp and look at my specs






2001 Gateway


2.0 Ghz


GeForce FX 5200 256 MB DDR

cable modem

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