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Solari crystal(spoilers!)

Toa Tahu

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you do have to join the sith academy to get the crystal as that is the only way you are allowed to the tomb that contains it. but joining the sith academy alone will not gain you dark side points. i managed to make it through the entire thing with not only gaining no dark side points, but also receiving light side points for some of the sidequests. it all dpends on how you respond to the situations within the academy. and responding to these situations will not tip off anyone in the academy to you being a spy, as you can respond in a way that nets some light side points, and then lie about what really happened for the prestige you need to get into the last tomb and the star map without gaining dark side points. i suggest saving before any area or situation you feel could possibly give you dark side points, and then if something goes wrong simply reload and try it another way. but do join the academy. if you hyave any other questions feel free to pm me.

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it's quite possible to max out light side points even if you do take a few dark side hits.

















I know for sure you can kill bendak and get sunry found innocent despite knowing he's guilty and still end up with light side mastery.

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