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HELP! My Keyboard!! BUG!!


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I've got a new bug when I'm playing SWG. When I first launch the game there is no problem. I can chat as I always do. The "?" and "!" and "/" and all of those marks is where they suppose to be on the keyboard.

But sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes the keyboard language is changing to USA or whatever it is. I'm from sweden and have another set up. My "?" as un example is next to the "0" (zero) key. But when the keyboard language is changed I have it next do the "." (dot) key. Same is with the "/" (slash) key. Mine is at the "7" (seven) key. But when there is a keyboard language change it is moved to the same key as where the "?" is moved.


This may sound alot confusing. But if I put it in alittle more simple way it goes like this:


When I play SWG my keyboard language is changed to USA. I'm from sweden (Europe) and our keyboard setup is different from the US.


Do anyone have the same problems as me? I think it is a bug for EU users only that not have the same keyboard set up as the US.


This does not happen all the time. Sometimes it can take several hours or sometimes five minutes of gameplay. It fixes it self if I close the game and reopen or sometimes it changes it self back to normal.


Anyone know how to fix it?

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Yes, I have that too some times. :)

It may be a bug, but it's definatly something you did. I just can't remember what it was anymore. But I think it's reversable. But since I can't remember what you have to do to change the keyboard layout, I can't really help you other than logout of game and then in again. :)

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