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Pistoleer or Rifleman?


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hey i am soon going to get my copy and i have looked over the professions alot and i need your help


Which do u think will be better for a newbie.

Include these thoughts



Better in long run?

Hard to get exp?

Hard in begining to get exp?

Overall better?

Overall better for newbie.


PLEASE answer thouse questions for either wich u would prefer or both. ty

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Hmmm... my personal suggestion is to start out artisan (you get the free crafting thingy as well as a weapon), and then immediatly try and get all the starting skills.


After that, you can choose what you will.


Artisans, as is commonly known, make the money, but it isn't really exhilirating.


Scout and Marksman sorta go hand-in-hand. Scout leads to Creature Handler, which is helpful to BH or such. Personally, this is what I did, pretty fun.


Brawler is ok, difficult, but your dangerous when higher up.


Entertainer is useful to dance and get rid of mind wounds.


Medic is, in my mind, a req for fighting professions, so you can heal yourself with those high level stim packs instead of getting cut down or waiting 5 min to heal.


Hmmmmm... guess it all depends on your playing style.


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- Jan



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i've posted this before but it needs to be repeated - when you first get the game go out and get each and every starting profession (except politician which i guess is now included) - this is medic, brawler, entertainer, medic, artisan and marksman.


then try everything, play for a while. it'll take you a bit to build up the rifle skills so experiment with other things.


more times than not you'll find out you like something you didn't plan on doing better than what you planned on doing. for instance i wanted to be a great weaponsmith, but found out i hate doing artisan stuff.


there are other benefits too, like being able to heal yourself, make your own low level equipment, get your own resources, etc.


besides, if you get master rifleman i think you still have a lot of room to do other things.

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i would say pistoleer, due to you can backtrack as your firing ( you can also do it with a rifle but you will hit like once every 20 shots) but with the rifle you can do like 2k dmg with just rifle spechilest ( dont know how to spell :-p)


but it all comes down to what you think is better ( or cooler in your case)


best of bothworlds get carbines ;):jawa

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I don`t think that you can really beat up close and personal for a bit of hand-to hand combat! I had every intention of starting out to become the Galaxy`s most feared Marksman, but as soon as I opened fire on anything, they all ran right at me, so negating the benefit of any long range rifle fire. Things would then just degenerate into a one-on-one slugging match.


Before I knew it, I had accidentally acquired a heap of Brawler experience points. Then a friendly Artisan made be a dagger and before long, I moved up the skill set to become the proud owner of a vicious curved sabre.


Now, I enjoy opening up on things with my Rifle, knowing that the target is going to come right at me. Once it`s on top of me, I switch weapons to my sword for a wonderful bit of slicing and dicing! Fencer`s specialise in one handed swords and Swordsmen specialist in the more damaging ( but slower ) two handed swords. Both are part of the Brawler skill.


I never thought playing with a sword in a world of lasers, blasters and Carbines could ever be so much fun and satisfying.

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if it is bettween rifle and pistol. go pistol. as the person above said , until you can get someone or something (pet) to tank for you everything will charge you and as a newbee you do not get to generally kill him with on shot. With a pistol you can lay down for the long range shot , then when they charge you , you can kneel and then stand up ( or skip the kneel and just stand up and blast them ). what is important is that you do not become the monsters chew toy, ( rifles are really bad at close range and pistol are not so bad. ) Go with the pistol and then when you get creature handler you can go with rifle if you still want.

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If you decide to go for rifles, learn basic scouting so you can mask your scent........if you can mask scent you can usually get 3 to 4 good shots off at a creature before it figures out where you are.......


The scout ability of trapping is also useful for bringing down larger creatures.

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I'm a master marksman and have both novice pistoleer and novice rifleman. honestly each weapon has its pluses and minuses:


Pistol - good up close. fast speeds (which means fast specials). if you're going to get armor piercing its only going to be light so you'll have problems with some higher level characters. not as powerful as carbs and rifles but good Damage Per Second because of the speed. your novice pistoleer weapon sucks (DX2 is a waste of resources because of its range modifiers. From 8M to 60M you're getting huge negatives). But if you're with a pet there's a great correlation between Health Shot1, HS2, Body shot and damage your pets do.


Carbines - basically the middle man. not as fast as a pistol but after than a rifle. not as powerful as a rifle but more powerful than a pistol. good medium range. you get the point. most have medium armor piercing. honestly I don't use carbs as much as other weapons but the acid high level carb (either the EE3 or the DRX6 i forget which) is a nice change of pace from the energy t21 and fwg5.


Rifle - personally I think the T21 is the best non-elite weapon in the game (so no commando or bounty hunter weapons but otherwise). great average, high and min damages (usually in the 117 to 320 range). heavy armor piercing (which is damn nice - against animals with no armor you're getting huge hit bonuses). targeting of mind pool (usually the lesser of the three HAM). great range (64m is the ideal range). biggest knock is they're slow (around 7.0) - but with a good slice i've gotten that to 5.3 or so. throw in a 30% weapon speed powerup and you're bring that down even more.

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