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Male and female!?


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Gotta blue female Twi'liek, which is the SWG version of my dark elf drow in EQ, heh. I play her when I want to relax, and not worry about fighting and factions and so on. She's an artisan and entertainer, you see.


According to my best friend in EQ, I can gossip like a girl, and she didn't have a clue for months. I've always been able to get on better with girls than guys. This may have something to do with the fact that I think most guys under 35 are idiots.


I prove to be one of them more often than I'd like.



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When I finally bumped into another female character, I was horrified to find that it was really a bloke. I just don`t get it. What`s with the Alien Transvestite thing? That said, I think I`ll play a male character next time as all the sexual innuendo and harrassment gets on my tits sometimes, when all I want to do is just play. Most people are great, but there is a small weirdo miniority that treat the game as a saddo on-line dating agency.


Right, rant over. Sorry if I sound like a real prude.

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Because when I do want to fight, I use my main character. *points at avatar*


It's a balancing act, you see. I usually don't get to slaughter oversized horse-giraffe-type creatures or rebel scum, so that's what I usually do. Sometimes, however, Real Life frels with me in such a way that computer game violence doesn't help me vent my frustrations. So I do the more creative professions in the game, because smeg knows I'm crap at them out here.


*rips up the latest piece he was composing to shreds because he's only just realized the second half of it sounds like the theme from Transformers*


Besides, a good roleplayer is someone who doesn't just act like him/her self.

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