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Huge Yavin Bug!!! Anyone have any idea what's going on?!! HELP?!!


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i decided i wanted to get to yavin a little earlier this time. so i went after a brief stop at tatooine to buy a few things. and now comes the really odd part.


i walk all th way down the hall activating the two access panels before the one where the rodian comes to open the door for you, but when i get to the final access panel and click on it, my entire screen goes black, and then the end of a pazaak dialogue comes up, as if i have just beaten him, and he wants to know if iwant another hand. i said not right now, and asked if he had anything for sale(all this time the screen has remained black exceot for the dialogue choices and my cursor) at which point i can buy some items. but when i exit the store the only thing visible is the cursor. i can get into my in game menus by pressing the esc key. but past that nothing. and i have tried reloading a from the last saved game etc, and it's doing this everytime.


Surely there aren't pre-requisites to the first time you visit this planet is there? help!!?

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no when i reload the game from where i was i can proceed with the game as usual, unless i try to go back to yavin, then bam the same error again.


most of the bugs i've encountered in this game will go away once i've exited the game, restart it and reload it. but this one persists.

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man that must really suck...maybe its an error in the yavin data??? try restarting and seeing if it still happens. if not, its just a bug for that character, but if it still happens theres probly a problem wither with ur CD, or with the yavin data. maybe even try re-installing and restarting ur game???


Just some ideas...

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lol, I had that one.


it turns out u can get the map by right clicking and guessing where the icon was. Then i figured which way I was facing..

Then I stumbled all the way back down the corridor in the dark.

Then I realised I didnt have a penlight while i fumbled around for the access panel to open the door back to the ship. But after a few minutes I got back on the boat and all the graphics were restored. When I went back to the guy I think everything was ok..but I'm not sure I remember exactly. Might be if u end the dialogue and just walk forward again U get the cut scene. :)

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actually i tried a variation of your method. i noticed when i got out of the ebon hawk, i could not get back in to leave and i assumed i wouldn't be able to until i spoke with the guy and proceeded through the tiny beginning of his plotline. this was before i encountered the bug of course.


and apparently the buggy end of a pazaak game that never happened didn't count as enough of a plot advancement to let me back in to the ebon hawk. or maybe that was just another bug.


so i tried something easier. i looked for the acces panel that caused the lights to go out and me to lose game of pazaak, and clicked it, and then the appropriate cutscene came up and i went from there. so thanks. would not have thought just to feel around in the dark :)

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Originally posted by eidospsogos

so i tried something easier. i looked for the acces panel that caused the lights to go out and me to lose game of pazaak, and clicked it, and then the appropriate cutscene came up and i went from there. so thanks. would not have thought just to feel around in the dark :)


So what I have to do, is simply to find the acces panel right before the rodians room, and press it? Or is it some other panel?

Anyways, time to stumple around in the dark.



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