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Vehicles :D


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So, I'm sure everyone with a character on the servers which aren't currently down has seen the vehicles, I myself already made myself a land speeder and have given out 4 other vehicles (I'm in a Town... we make things for free for each other :D ). I have seen prices (Just outside Coronet Starport) ranging between 7k/vehicle to 45k/vehicle!


I think they're pretty cool, I chose the landspeeder because IMO its the coolest even if it is the slowest and will last longer.


Repair prices are really enourmous! I repaired my land speeder after cruising around in it for a couple of hours... it cost me quite a lot!


Maybe this is a balancing thing.


Oh well, they're fun... but the novelty has already worn off on me :(


Also, I noticed that in Coronet the lag has increased dramatically with vehicles, but I'm not surprised by this, its just an inconvenience.

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Adulis - I didn't know there was such thing as daily repair - I think you just go and repair your vehicle when the red bar indicating its health gets low - and I think its reasonably expensive actually.


Reosource wise, Landspeeders cost ~3100 Ferrous and ~1100 Non-ferrous and Swoop bikes cost ~4800 Ferrous and ~1600 Non-ferrous, with speeder bikes somewhere in between.


Its quite a lot, but it isn't picky and the only thing that the material quality affects is the experimental durability - so you can get some crappy stuff of the market and it'll do fine.

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That's a no, darthvader - I was quite disappointed with that :(


Anyway... I have found a SERIOUS vehicle bug!


Sometimes, when you get out of a vehicle, you cannot store it BUT you can generate a new one from your datapad (ie. Instead of the "Store" option in the datapad its "Generate a new vehicle" even though the one you were just using is right in front of you).


This means that vehicles can be multiplied (But they can't be traded - you can't use this as an exploit to multiply vehicle deeds) BUT this leads to something more serious: Huge and unbelievable clutter.


This bug has happened to me twice today, and I've only played about 4 hours today! That's 2 extra land speeders in the world by the way.


It seems to have happened to everyone else, too - I see speeders in the middle of the terrain but worst of all - in the towns.


Specifically, outside the starport in Coronet.


Only on the first day - and I reckon there are at least 100 vehicles there already - most of them are just bugged duplicated of others. This means HUGE framerate drop and I can't see any of the players because I see "Swoop Bike" EVERYWHERE!!


This is STUPID!

The devs are going to have to fix this one, and fix it VERY quickly.

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Didn't I hear somewhere that land speeders were supposed to have an advantage over the other two whilst climbing an incline? I've just been adventuring for four hours alongside all three types, and didnt see anyone else fall behind as we climbed a near vertical mountain...




ah well, It's all style baby


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You need to be a master artisan. I went to Bestine and vehicles are every where my frame rate also went down and that hasn't happened since i had 256RAM.:(


There are bugs like you can't store. Sometimes when you are trying to get out it says enter. They are expensive unless you buy a used one. Master Artisans were running out of material so there were 40+ vehicles and none being sold. When you get one they are great. I can go maybe 10000m in about 30 minutes and kill everything on the way. They can fly when you drive off a cliff.


They are very fun and you can do missions a lot faster, but are more expensive then mounts. Also they have a lot of bugs.

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I heard that Coronet was really bad with all the cluttered speeders.

I stayed away from there because it was also bad at bestine and anchorhead shuttleports. I am sure all this will get sorted out.


These guys(devs) know what thay are doing and probably anticipated some bugs.


I rode around all day from city to city and to some of the POI's.

I got 2 badges.

I am happy with the update and look forward to more of them.


Hopefully the problem with vehicle storing will be repaired soon.


Danes Lighthammer


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Corbantis Server

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Yeah on my server (Corbantis) the lag in Coronet was so bad with the 100s of speeders and swoops that I had to stare at the floor to move... something I only have to do in EQ because their graphic engine sucks.


I decided to take a little ride and went out from Coronet to a little sandbar island, called New Alderon, a player Rebel city and immediately got pulled over by a militia member on a speeder bike thinking I was in Imp spy.. hahahahaha was classic.. all I heard was "PULL OVER!!" .. didn't think I would ever hear that in an MMORPG.



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Originally posted by Afterthot

Didn't I hear somewhere that land speeders were supposed to have an advantage over the other two whilst climbing an incline? I've just been adventuring for four hours alongside all three types, and didnt see anyone else fall behind as we climbed a near vertical mountain...




ah well, It's all style baby


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I read a similar post, except as I recall it was not the speed that was affected, rather, it is the durability of the speeder was much better on rought terrain. I guess the bikes will degrade quicker than the speeder if used on rough terrain.

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