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A sensitive poem


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Finally! A place to post my MI poetry!


Well, actually, there is only one poem so far.


But if the response is positive, who knows?...there could be a sequel.



By SqueakyDeric


Oaooa ooh ah ah ah

oo-ooo oa oa oa

oa...oh ooo

ah ah oooa-ooh

ooa OO AHAHAH aa ooa oo ah!:D



It is a monkey limerick...I considered translating it but it's just not the same.


Any feedback is welcome, since I am entering it in a poetry competition soon.

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Did you mention it was a poem, or did you just start shouting it at people? Because I made the same mistake, and was banned from my local Co-op.


(I always recite my poetry in supermarkets...for some reason they have the most sympathetic listeners).


Of course, if you mispronounce ooa it becomes a swearword (in monkey). Maybe the bystanders spoke monkey and thought you were swearing at them.


Thank you for your kind comments...sadly I can only speak Rhesus at the moment but I am thinking of taking an Open Uni course in Orang-Utan.


I will tell you how the competition goes, but usually they are full of closed-minded people who insist the poem must rhyme, or at least by in a human language. Fascists:(

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I love the way you rhymed lines 1 2 and 5 as well as 3 and 4, pure genius. The rhythm was brilliant and the symbolism embodied in oo-ooo was pure awe inspiring.

The only drawback I'm afraid was your use of Oral sex in the last line, it may have been a tad bit unnessecary.


Oh, and I wrote a Monkey Island Haiku, tell me what you think.


OOk ook oo-ook ooa

oo oo lotus blossoms!

oo ooo oo oo ook


What do you think?

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Charming. I may steal part of it for my next poem.


Oh, and sorry about that last line, it was a typo. There should have been a '-' in there, changing it completely. It should have meant 'kinky'.


Sorry for inflicting such filth upon you. I know you expect better in these forums.

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