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Online play????


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Guest DarthMaulUK

You have to play online and you have to pay.


If you want some proper real fun, get yourself Knights of the Old Republic - its SUPERB!



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Originally posted by Neversober

You don't have to do anything you don't want to ?



so...what you're saying is...



I don't have to play this game anymore?...not as soon as I get home from work...and all day long on my days off?...and ever other time I'm not doing anything else?...



Well how the heck do you expect me to get to Jedi...sheesh!





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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Neversober

You might want to repost this with some proper English :)



Not everyones native tongue is English you know.



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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Yes, it's called a Roleplaying Game. :p



Maybe so, but all the missions are basically the same. Other than the main story all of the random quests remain the same.



While SWG may still be in "beta" as you say, but the game was waaay to large to make and fix bugs in such short a time.




But I may be biased, because I hate KOTOR with a passion. :p

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He's a Super Mod, there's a difference.


When you are a Mod you only have access to moding certain forums. Take me for instance, I can mod all the forums in the SWGalaxies section of LFN (except the PA forum), but not the Star Wars forums, or Jedi Knight forums, etc....


DMUK however, is a Super Mod, meaning he once was just a simple Mod like I but have been "promoted", and can therefor moderate all the forums in LFN, plus some more things a simple mod cannot do like banning and mass prune threads etc.....


Hope this clearifies alittle. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Read another post of mine prowler and you will find out.


I hate the game - yes and I also help people who are experiencing problems with the game.



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