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Modders, give me a hand here.

Captain LeChuck

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I could use some help, as I've decided to give my previous thing about the Twi'Lek Male a shot myself, what stuff should I use? I have NWN, can I use the ToolSet? If so, how? Any more tools and tutorials I should be aware of?


Also, Im making this new post 'cause I cant seem to be able to reply at the old one...again:rolleyes:

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Doesnt work.:(


How I did it(Tell me what I did wrong): I take my NWN Toolset that came with my copy of NWN, I place it in my KotOR folder(I suspect this is what I did wrong, I dont know, though), place KOTOR BUILDER!.mod in modules, and start up the Toolset(which has gone crazy when I put it in the KOTOR folder :p )then I open the KOTOR BUILDER! and get and error message: "Acess violation at address 007A3E96 in module 'nwtoolset.exe'. Read of address: 00000030"


About the craziness of my ToolSet: The labels and texts are all messed up, there are bits and pieces of dialogs instead of what it should be.


Tell me what I did wrong.



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