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Anybody else getting this game?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest SabianMasteef

Yeah 15 I agree. I read a lot of the reviews of FC. They did not like the camera, but I loved it. It was like a new game every time I played it!

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Guest Tie Guy

Hey SabianMasteef,


If there was one thing i didn't like about about FoCom, it wasn't the camera, it was the interface. It was just so hard to use, especially for a C&C player like me. I also didn't like the commandpoints system. Add that to the kind of slow gameplay and a little bit of difficulty with the camera, and it didn't turn out very well for me. Plus, it ran kinda slow on my Comp.

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Guest SabianMasteef



I agree about the interface. Plus that thing took up a third of the screen. That got annoying. There were some down times, but when the enemy came at you they really came at you hard.

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is anyone getting this game? IS ANYONE GETTING THIS GAME?!! if you dont your a fool. this game looks like (so far) the best thing to ever happpen to Star Wars games (besides xwa, of course). but who am i to say this game is going to be any good. i guess i'll wait and see how the game gets reviewed before i buy it, still a little sore from that Force Commander experince. $40 bucks down the drain.

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Guest BlueSenateGuard

I agree that Force Commander's interface was tricky, but most importantly, the framerate draaaaaaaagged. Even today, I still do not know how to upgrade my units...

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Guest Tie Guy

upgrade units?......Oh yeah, i remember now, i think that they had to go into the ugrade building or something like that.

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Guest T.I.E

I did not wait for the reviews on force commander and was ashamed for falling for the Lucas Arts trap. But this time everything looks dang good, and they could have a great hit on their hands if they dont fall for the same mistakes FC made.....Poor graphics, poor resource management, poor AI, poor controls. But in the end it comes down to one thing really......is it STAR WARS!!!!!! Thats all that matters.

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Guest Tie Guy

WElcome TIE


i never wait for the reviews, becasue you can't always trust what thye say. Take Jedi Power Battles, i loved that game but all the reviewers hated it.

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Guest Tie Guy

it makes pefect sense.


The main clause of the sentence is "i loved that game, but teh reviewers hated it." It's a compuond sentence connected by the conjuction and. The secondary clause is "Take Jedi Power Battles for example," This is an adjectival subordinate clause that explains what the subject pronoun used in the main clasue of the sentence is. Therefore, it makes perfect sense.


Just had to clear that up :D

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Guest Ewok14

I can't wait to get my hands on the Empire and crush the puni worthles Rebellion Mwhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can forsee that It will win good awards coz its gonna be a GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!


The Rebellion Will FALL!!!!:atat: :obi:

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