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Obtaining your own and/or others clientid


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Myself and some mates of mine regulararly use the tell command to talk when out of line of sight of one another, however the pain with this is, is that obtaining my clientid and his/hers is guesswork.


I am aware the serverstatus command shows clientids, but these are relative to you, when other ppl join or leave map, not the actual clientid an admin can see using /rcon status etc


Is there a way to at least obtain my own clientid, if not someone elses to allow tell chats to be a little easier to use?

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I don't think there is another way, maybe you could request it to be fixed to a moder, of the mod you play on, xmod2 would solve your problem, you can just say outloud /name hey mate sup? and it will whsiper it to the person you put after the / .

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