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Saber hilts..?

Hellfire Jedi

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Herro everyone. It seems this forum gets more posts, this is related to editing and JA, so it fits seemingly enough.

I've been searching for about a half hour to an hour now, looking for a decent tutorial on how to add tags on to saber hilts.

What i've been planning on doing is converting hilts from JK2, putting htem in JA with .sab files.


Any help is graciously accepted and appriciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

i only know this if your using 3d studio or gmax


use a side view of you saber


click over to the NON 3d shapes.. (line, rectangle, ect)


use rectangle and make a small square there you want the saber to come from


now use the rotate tool and make sure that the RIGHT side of that square is now facing up. (this is very important)


now name that shape from rectangle to tag_blade1


if your using more then one blade then tag_blade2,3,4 ect..


hope this helps

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