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Met a Barrier (Game Help)


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Hey People,


After having tried over and over again and failed I thought I'd come begging n screaming here in the hope someone can help me!


I've been putting this off and playing JA instead of finishing JKII first :D. (JA is amazing, love it for those who haven't ;)) but I still want to finish JKII.


I'm stuck in the Cairn Reactor, well not literally, but nearly. I've gotten to the stage whereby you have to go down to a platform on the right, you hit the button and voilà it starts to move. However, just round the corner is a blinking Imperial with rockets and all the time this thing you're on is moving. Then, it is inevitably hit (so are you unless you're on the back of it). You can only jump of onto this upside-down T shaped thing on the wall that appear to serve no purpose to the Empire at all (:p). All the time rockets are raining down.


Can any one help me cos every time (without fail) I either get hit by a rocket head on (not nice) or end up falling to the ground below (not much better and the same end result as a rocket).


Please Help, I wanna finish this game :)

Thanks in advance people.

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