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Veh/Vwp Tutorial (The NotePad Business)

ZH@o YuN

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Making a usable vehicle in-game:


This tutorial is assuming you have already made the vehicle model and are ready to make it into a playable vehicle. .Veh file are best made in Notepad, so just create a new .txt


file for now. I will be calling the example vehicle "F-22" (don't ask why :wink:)


The .VEH file


The file starts with the vehicle name, followed by a bracket, and the vehicle name again after "name" (NOTE: the name of the vehicle at the top of the file and the name in the


"name" entry MUST be the same, or the vehicle will not work):

name 	F-22

Afterwards, you need to add the following entries to your vehicle:

	type	The type of the vehicle. Acceptable types are: 
numHands	How many hands the rider will use to pilot this 
	vehicle. This determines what weapons the rider 
	can use while flying this vehicle - 0 means they can
	use two-handed weapons, 1 means they can use 
	one-handed weapons, and 0 is no weapons at all.
lookPitch	This determines how far you can look up/down 
	when you are riding this vehicle. Defaults to 90 
	(directly up/down) when not used. I recommend 
	you don't use this entry. Note that this is not the 
	entire radius of view! 90 = 90 up and 90 down.
lookYaw	This determines how far you can look left or right in 
	front of the ship. Recommended: 45.
length	How long the tracing box for the vehicle is. Ships 
	use hit detection based on an invisible box around 
	them, not their actual model. Make sure you get 
	this right, or you'll be hitting walls from miles away, 
	or seeing your wings going through the walls 
	without taking damage.
width	How wide the tracing box for the vehicle is.
height	How high the tracing box for the vehicle is.
centerOfGravity	How far in/out from the center of the
	model the center of gravity will be. Basically, this is 
	the point that the camera is locked on to when you 
	turn your mouse, and the point which the vehicle 
	turns about. If you set this too far foward, your 
	vehicle will be swining around its front when it 
	turns, the same goes for other directions. Stated as 
	X Y Z - eg. "-0.222 0 0" (used for most ships made 
	by Raven, so I would guess that this is the 
	recommended setting)
speedMax	The maximum speed this vehicle can reach while 
	the accelerator is pressed.
turboSpeed	The speed this vehicle will reach when 
	the turbo is pressed.
speedMin	Minimum speed the vehicle can travel at. If it is 
	above 0, once the vehicle starts, it will never 
	completely stop. Also, if the number is below 0, the 
	vehicle can travel in reverse.
SpeedIdle	(CURRENTLY NOT FUNCTIONING!)The vehicle will 
	slow down to this speed when the rider lets go of 
	the accelerator. Set it to the same as speedMax if 
	you don't want to keep the accelerator held down to 
	fly at the best speed.
acceleration	How fast this vehicle will reach its 
	maximum speed. If i knew what the units for speed 
	were called in this game I would easily tell you 
	what the numbers mean on this entry, but I don't, 
	so I'll try to explain it. If we call the speed units 
	Zph, then the acceleration entry will determine how 
	many Zphs the speed will increase by every 
	millisecond (1000 milliseconds in 1 second). Raven 
	set their ships to around 20, so it would take less 
	than a second for their ships to reach max speed. If 
	you want your ship to take, say, 2 seconds to reach 
	their maximum speed of 2000, you should use an 
	acceleration of 1.
decelIdle	(CURRENTLY NOT FUNCTIONING!)How fast the 
	vehicle's speed drops to the speedIdle speed.
strafePerc	The speed that you can strafe at, judging by your 
	current speed. 1.0 means you can strafe at the 
	same speed as you are flying forward, 0.5 is half 
	the speed, and 0 is no strafing at all.
bankingSpeed	How fast the vehicle automatically 
	rolls/pitches when it is turning.
rollLimit	How much, in degeres, the vehicle will roll when it 
	strafes. On a test vehicle I used 360, and it did a 
	full barrel roll every time it strafed, looked pretty 
	cool  Use 0 if you want the vehicle to just slide 
	left/right when you strafe.
pitchLimit	Has less of a use now since the patch, since you 
	can only look 90 degrees up for down, so the 
	vehicle can only pitch as far as you can look. 
	Amount in degrees the vehicle can pitch. Before the 
	patch you could use this to enable your ship to do 
	backflips and aerobatics by setting it to 360.
braking	How fast the vehicle slows down/stops when you 
	press back/decelerate.
turningSpeed	How fast your vehicle will turn towards 
	your mouse. I can't seem to figure out the actual 
	measurements for this entry... 10 seems to make it 
	turn really fast, and the X-Wing has a default of 4.2.
turnWhenStopped	Determines whether or not the vehicle 
	can turn while it is stationary. NOTE: This only 
	applies to SP (Single Player)
traction	How much the vehicle slides when you turn. This 
	doesn't seem to affect MP.
friction	How much control the vehicle has over itself and its 
	speed. A low number will cause the vehicle to slide 
	a lot and accelerate slower. Again, this doesn't 
	seem to affect MP.
maxSlope	The maximum angle this vehicle can climb. Put it on 
	90 to climb walls with a tauntaun! 
mass	How big and fat this vehicle is. Affects the 
	force/knockback that a vehicle has when it hits 
armor	Total health of the vehicle. (Same HP system as 
toughness	Determines how damage is taken by the vehicle 
	when it is hit. 1.0 is full damage, 0.5 is half 
	damage, etc. 0 is just silly, because it makes the 
	vehicle invincible.
model	The model to use for the vehicle. Make sure your 
	vehicle is in the "models/players/" folder, and just 
	use its name. ie. models/players/F-22, model entry 
	= F-22.
skin	What skin to use for the model. If the vehicle 
	doesn't have any .skin files, just use "default". If 
	you have a .skin file, it must always begin 
	with "model_". For example, "model_blue.skin" = 
riderAnim	Animation the rider uses when he is riding the 
	vehicle, ie. BOTH_VS_IDLE.
soundOn	This is the sound it makes when you enter the 
	vehicle. Full path must be given.
soundLoop	Sound the vehicle is always playing when it's flying. 
	Basically use this entry for the engine sounds.
soundOff	Sound to play when the rider exits the vehicle.
exhaustFX	Effect file played from the *exhaust bolts on your 
	vehicle. No full path needed, just start from effects, 
	and leave out the .efx bit at the end, 
	ie. "ships/exhaust".
trailFX	Effect played from the *trail bolts on your vehicle. 
	Raven disabled these on their ships, and removed 
	the wingtrail.efx file. In one of my vehicle mods, I 
	have made a new wingtrail effect and redone the 
	trails in each ship. It's quite a nice effect, I have no 
	idea why it was removed.
impactFX	Effect played when the vehicle hits something. 
	Usually ships/scrape_sparks.
explodeFX	Effect played when the vehicle explodes. Try to use 
	an effect that has a built-in sound, as you can't 
	choose what sound the vehicle makes when it blows 
gravity	How much gravity the vehicle has. Setting this to 0 
	will make the ship unable to land, but you will be 
	able to go at any speed, including 0, wthout 
	dropping from the sky. Default is 800 (normal 
	game gravity).
hoverHeight	Height of which the vehicle hovers 
	above the ground. If you set it to 0, the vehicle will 
	move along the floor like a car or walker.
hoverStrength	How hard it pushes off the ground every 
	time it falls below its hoverHeight. I changed this on 
	the swoops, because they hit the ground and stop 
	way too often...
waterProof		Sub-marine vehicles! 1 means the 
	vehicle can move under water, 0 means it will get 
	stuck or sink.
bouyancy	How high the vehicle floats in the water. 1 means 
	you can fly freely in the water without sinking or 
	floating up. numbers below 1 mean you will sink if 
	you don't fly upwards as you move, numbers above 
	1 mean you will float to the surface if you don't 
	push yourself down.
fuelMax	Amount of fuel the vehicle can hold (not used in 
	any ships so far, could add some nice realism to 
	the game )
fuelRate	How quickly the fuel is used up while moving.
visibility	I'm not entirely sure about this one... In the
	template I found in ext_data/vehicles, it says "for
	sight alerts".
loudness	Same as visibility... Template says "for sound 
	These two entries may decide how easily they are 
	detected by NPCs, but I'm not sure... It would be 
	best to leave these out of your veh files.
explosionRadius	Range of the damage coming from the 
	vehicle's explosion when it dies.
explosionDamage	Damage coming from the vehicle's 
	death explosion.
maxPassengers	How many passengers this vehicle can 
	hold. Just set it to 8 or something, anyone should 
	be able to ride in someone else's ship for fun 
hideRider	Whether or not the rider of the vehicle is drawn. 
	Use this to hide pilots if you're making a ship.
killRiderOnDeath	If set to 1, the pilot will die immediately 
	if the vehicle dies.
flammable	Whether or not the vehicle will set on fire for a set
	time (explosionDelay) before it explodes.
explosionDelay	How long to wait for the vehicle to
	explode after its health is depleted.
cameraOverride	If set to 1, the following entries apply to 
	the camera when you ride the vehicle:
cameraRange Same as cg_thirdPersonRange, sets how far 
	away from the vehicle the camera will be. Default = 
cameraVertOffset	Same as cg_thirdPersonVertOffset, sets 
	how high/low the camera is from the center of the 
	vehicle. Default = 0.
cameraHorzOffset	Same as cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset, sets 
	how far to the left/right the camera is from the 
	center of the vehicle. Default = 0.
cameraFOV	Same as cg_fov, sets your Field of 
	Vision. This is how much you can see around you. 
	Default = 80 (you can see 80 degrees in front of 
cameraAlpha	How much to fade the vehicle when it's 
	in front of your screen and blocking your crosshair. 
	This doesn't seem to work on foggy maps, so I 
	suggest you leave this as 0.
landingHeight	How high off the ground the vehicle has 
	to be before it can fly. Also how low the vehicle is 
	before it starts the landing animation.

weap1	Primary weapon (all weapons are specified in .vwp 		files)
weap1Delay	Delay between shots, in milliseconds.
weap1Aim	Whether the weapon aims by itself when you are 
	close to enemies.
weap1AmmoMax	Maximum ammo this weapon can hold.
weap1AmmoRechargeMS	How fast this weapon regains 
	ammo. Leave this entry out if you want limited 
	ammo for a weapon, ie. missiles.
weap1Link	Whether or not this weapon can be linked to fire all 
	muzzles at once (bind <key> +button2)


You can do the same for weap2 for the secondary weapon. Remember, you can never have more than 2 weapons!



The .VWP File


VWP files begin in the same way as VEH files - name once at the top, and then name after the "name" entry.


Here we go...

<weapon name>
name	<weapon name>. Name of the weapon.
projectile	Whether or not this is a projectile. If 1, the shot will 
	bump into things like ships while it is moving; it 
	won't bounce off though.
hasGravity		Whether or not the projectile is affected 
	by gravity 
	(only if projectile = 1)
ionWeapon		If 1, this weapon will make the target 
	ship lose control for a second every time it hits.
muzzleFX	Path to effect for the flash when the weapon fires.
shotFX	Shot effect.
ImpactFX	Effect to play when the projectile hits.
g2MarkShaderHandle	Shader to use for the mark a projectile 
	makes after it hits.
g2MarkSize	Size of the mark.
loopSound	Sound the projectile makes as it is flying.
speed	Speed of projectile.
homing	If 1, the projectile will lock on, and will fly directly 
	at the target ship. If it's anything below 1, it will 
	only fly partially towards the ship, and follow it 
	more than directly smash it. ie. 0.5 = only turns 
	half as much toward the target than it would 
lockOnTime	Time it takes in seconds to lock on. If 
	you set it to 0, it will lock on immediately.
damage	Damage dealt by a direct hit.
splashDamage	How much damage is done by the splash 
	of the explosion.
splashRadius	Radius of the explosion.
ammoPerShot	How much ammo each shot takes.
health	If 1 or more, the projectile becomes shootable and 
	will take this much damage before exploding.
width	Width of projectile.
height	Height of projectile.
lifetime	How long the projectile will fly for before it 
explodeOnExpire	If 1, the projectile will explode when its 
	lifetime runs out.


Alright, that's it! I hope you've learned a lot from this, and made your vehicle playable!

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