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The true way of the Sith


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I am currently playing a character who is the dark side. However rather than being the "ME KILL ALL!" kinda character he is more manipulative than that.


So here's where the question comes is there some sort of way to turn characters to the dark side rather than the alternative?


Which would be killing them outright.


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I already asked this. The answer was no. You have no control over your party aligning with dark or light. Pity. This would add another element to the game, if you had to worry about your other party memebers also.


I do agree with you though. Being evil doesnt mean you are also stupid. You dont just go killing everyone. You better off using people for your gains, pretending not to have evil intent.


Eg. If your crew members are assisting you, why would you insult them and tell them you didnt need them when you are on the Darkside You would do the opposite, try to be there for them when the light side isnt.


You want more followers, not less, but only from the ones who are worthy, the rest you squish like flies.

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I would have liked for Yuthura to be able to join your party, if you had killed Juhani on Dantooine. IE when you propose to her to come along with you on Korriban, she would say yes if Juhani's party slot is empty, and no and Juhani IS in your group...


and then reintroduce her to the dark side... mwuhahaha

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Yes or instead of making Juhani go back to the academy to turn away from the darkside. You could say to her, "feel the power of the dark side, let the hate make you powerful", "come with me and we will crush the Jedi, the Sith are truely powerful" or such.


Just an option to allow her to remain "tainted by the darkside" and still join your party.


If you were going to make a mod, you could say to her to go back to the academy and lie to them, so they will allow her to come with you, so as not to break the story too much.


Unfortunatly the game progresses along the lines of you being on the light side, the story doesnt really allow any changes to the plot or progress until the final moment on the unknown planet.


Your party members dont really react to your obvious darkside looks or such, although they make comments if you do something bad.


IMagine also if the Dark Jedi you met, could sense your darkside power and you could convince them to leave without a fight, or simply not fight.


When i went to the Sith academy and after getting that final starmap, heading back to the academy and facing the three students blocking the entrance, I was actually hoping i could convince them i was Revan, the same as i hoped the instructor would realise in his final moments.


If i was going on the path of reclaiming my identity, different choices would come up and party members would act differently.

Though teh only thing that changes really is your stats.

I guess if there was a seperate story line for the dark side, there would be another whole game there.


Those Jedi you meet on the begining of the Star Forge are another good example, Im sure in reality they could tell from your Dark Jedi Master clothes and the pale skin, sith mask etc, that you were not really working with the Jedi.


You could go into this very deeply and Imagine if you had a choice of going to either Jedi or Sith academy for your training, depending on what path you chose.

Imagine if your party members could be as mean and nasty as you.

It would also be good if your force powers would act upon the civilians walking around the streets. eg, you could push them out of the way, or simply kill them, if they werent important to the story. Further boosting your Darkside power.


Though the game was obviously designed for a light path or you and your team and the darkside options have no real bearing except to change your stats one way or another, until then end.

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I've dreamed of a mod where after you escape Taris, you have the option of going to korriban instad of dantooine. There you can join the Sith Academy in much the same way you join the Dantooine academy, discover the starmap, and decide to seek the other starmaps out for the power of the star forge instead of the goal of destroying it. The other planets could play out much the same way they did before, with the exception of dantooine which would be the mirror of korriban in the lightside game. Of course obvious things like Bastila and Carth's roles in the early game would have to be worked out, or maybe new NPC's introduced.

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Exactly my thoughts: Going to Korriban instead of Dantooine to be evil at the beginning.


Exchange Bastila for Yuthara (sp?) and Carth for Dustil. Rewrite the story a bit and change the dialog.


I generally loathe to play dark side, but if the story diverged right from the beginning, even i might be tempted to play what will be a different story.


At the temple, you will still have the option to change from dark to light.

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Nedumaran, good idea about exchanging Bastila and Carth. However, how would that work with Taris being the first planet and all. You'd have to take Carth and Bastila. Perhaps if you made it off Taris and once you got to Korriban it was one of two 'plot moments' where you decide light or dark. Then you kill them and take Yuthara and Dustil. Or you remain light and kill them and keep Bastila and Carth.


Personally, I'd like to be able to sell T3 or swap him for HK on Tatooine. I only use him once, so he takes up a spot on my roster. Let me drop him and recruit one of these Sith who keep trying to kill me. Or seduce a jedi into following me to the dark side.

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As far as I know, modding KOTOR is a big no-no because LucasArts doesnt like people screwing with there stuff. But there are all kinds of things I'd like to see done, like more faces, clothes, etc type things. Not so much on changing the game as adding more stuff to it. Giving more options.


But there are the guys over here... http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=324

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But allowing for the whole charasmatic darkside person who turns his allies rather than evicerate them is giving the player more options. I say you go to Dantooine as usual have the same characters as usual but just are able to turn them through the course of the game.

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Explain to me how to make someone as Jolee to go to the dark side since he is pretty much very stuck with his own ideas of the force.


Same goes with everyone, the NPCs personality are not something players sould have much control over and he sould not since it means the more control he have the less depth the NPCs personalities will have.


Dark side and light side are very much oposites, its not the case of BG2 were we could make Anomen LG or CN since he starts as LN and so its a matter of making him embrace good and remain law or abandon law and remain neutral were he always retain some degree of his original moral standarts.

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To send someone to the dark (or light) side:

1. set the character as the party leader.

2. press ` (the button over tab) and a cursor will show up at the top left of the screen

3. type (just as i'm showing it, adddarkside 50 (or addlightside 50)

4.press enter

if that doesn't put the character all the way to the dark (or light) side, do it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Hayder

But allowing for the whole charasmatic darkside person who turns his allies rather than evicerate them is giving the player more options. I say you go to Dantooine as usual have the same characters as usual but just are able to turn them through the course of the game.


Can we still keep the option to eviscerate them anyway? Just in case?

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