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How to put Models in JA Single Player


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Well I made a site on it so I am simply copy pasting. And yes I did make this tutorial.



Putting Models in JKA Single Player


Okay this is asked a lot around the forums so lets begin shall we?


Assumptions : You know how to edit .skins if not look around and ask at forums. You understand packscape. Also it would help if you turned extension on. Go to a any folder select tools and go to folder options and check the box that says "View Extensions".


Step 1 : Alright you choose your model.


Step 2 : Delete all team color files Ex: "Torso_red.jpg", that includes "Model_red.glm & model_red.skin" (don't forget blue either.)


Step 3 : Open the "model_default.skin" with wordpad.


Step 4 : This is the tricky part. Repace all model/players/<yourmodelname> lines to models/players/jedi_demo


Example : hips,models/players/alora/alora_legs.tga will be changed to this hips,models/players/jedi_demo/alora_legs.tga. Do this for every line EXCEPT Lines that have stormtrooper/caps.


Step 5 : When done save. Then Rename the "model_default.skin" to "head_a1.skin" then copy it to a separate folder. Then rename "head_a1.skin" to "torso_a1.skin" and copy it to a seperate folder. Finally rename "torso_a1.skin" to "lower_a1.skin" and copy to a seperate folder.




Added Jan 21 2004


For this part we will set up the file needed to tell the game there is another race or character. This file is known as the


MENUS.str file click here to download the file.


Step 6 : Open up MENUS.str with notepad or wordpad, whichever you prefer.


Step 7 : Now I was nice I typed a little bit for you


Notice The following Text On MENUS.str :





What you will do is change that to the following on MENUS.STR



NOTES "For character menu"

Lang_ENGLISH "Demonstration"


Make sure you lined up with the other references so it would look like this



NOTES "For character menu"

Lang_ENGLISH "Demonstration"



NOTES "For character menu"

LANG_ENGLISH "Human Female


Save and you're done with the MENUS.str!




Added Jan 22 2004


Now we will setup the pk3


Step 8 : Open packscape and make a click File/new


Step 9: Make a folder called "models"


Step 10 : Inside models folder make a folder called "players"


Step11 : Inside players folder make a folder called "jedi_demo"


Step 12 : Drag all jpgs, bmps, the model.glm, the head lower & torso_a1.skins into the "jedi_demo" folder


Step 13: In order to make an image appear for Species Selection make rename the "icon_default.jpg" file to "icon_head_a1.jpg" then drag into the jedi_demo folder. rename the file to "icon_lower_a1.jpg" drag to the jedi_demo folder and "icon_torso_a1.skin" drag that file to the jedi_demo folder. Also drag a file called thumbs.db which you can get here. You must also drag a playerchoice.txt to the folder which you can get here. Finally drag the sounds.cfg file which you can get here.


Step 14 : Go back to the root directory (the one with the models folder).


Step 15 : Make a folder called "strings"


Step 16 : Inside the strings folder make a folder called "English"


Step 17 : Inside the English folder drag the MENUS.str into the folder


Step 18 : Click File, Save As... select a name and pick file type "pk3" packscape will then compress the folders into a pk3.


Complete! You should now be done. Put the pk3 in gamedata/base folder and launch a New Single player game and browse through the species. If you did everything correct you should end up with something like this :








To the see the tutorial at my site go here

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Thanks a lot for the great tutorial it is very helpful. I was curious if I follow these directions if the new race being added must be the same model with different skins, ie the new race is the Grayfox model as you placed in the example. This is great for models with huge skin packs like Clone, Fetts, etc. But I assume it will not work if you try to add different models under the same new race? Ex. DF's Kyle Katarn with say Darth Maul or something like that. Also I look forward to any tutorials about adding multiple new species (in case you can only use 1 model per new rac).


Thanks again.

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something's not right... it doesn't show up in the new game species menu. Could you look if this is correct?




This is so we can tell which strings have been signed-off as ok to be the same words for QA

// and because we do not store duplicate strings, which will then get exported again next time

// as being untranslated.)



CONFIG "W:\bin\stringed.cfg"




NOTES "For character menu"

Lang_ENGLISH "Jedi Solo"



NOTES "For character menu"

LANG_ENGLISH "Human Female"



The one i am gonna use is jedi_solo, it's also the name in my models folder. It is the Jacen solo model. thnx in advance

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Did you put thumbs.db and

playerchoice .txt in the "jedi_solo" folder?

If they are not put them there b/c the two files let the game know that there is something else it has to display.


Hmmm I think I should add a questions faq sometime soon.

Thanks a lot for the great tutorial it is very helpful. I was curious if I follow these directions if the new race being added must be the same model with different skins, ie the new race is the Grayfox model as you placed in the example. This is great for models with huge skin packs like Clone, Fetts, etc. But I assume it will not work if you try to add different models under the same new race? Ex. DF's Kyle Katarn with say Darth Maul or something like that. Also I look forward to any tutorials about adding multiple new species (in case you can only use 1 model per new rac).


Well you can have multiple races on the smae pk3 but you can't have two differnt model.glm's in the same "jedi _<name>" folder. You can make 2 folders and put the different races or species there.


So pretty much your assumption is correct.


I'll add another tutorial on how to add multiple skins per race per race ie : red and blue skins soon...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great TT btw, works lik a charm, but here is my problem. I got my player to show up just fine and all but the shaders are not working. I am using the razchrome model and it has a seperate shader folder which I did include and inside the shader file I changed all the names form razchrome to jedi_demo and they still wont apply. Any ideas anyone?


Your help is much appreciated.

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Well first off, the only thing thats has to be called "jedi_demo" is the folder with all the jpegs. I never did any model with shaders but after examining the pk3, I came up with a wild guess and can not test this theory because I reformatted my hard-drive. But here is what I suggest. in the "shaders" folder did you put "shaderlist.txt"? If not then try it.

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I hate double posting but I made another tutorial. It's on how to add red and blue team skins to Sinple Player in the same race

Here it is:


Adding a Red & Blue version of the same model.


Limits: Yes sadly there are limits. When I say model I mean of the same "model.glm" You can add custom skins available to the same model meaning you put it in another folder. DO NOT PUT MORE THAN 1 "model.glm"


Assumptions, You succeeded in the first tutorial. (There will be a couple of references that will be made.)




Alright this is ridiculously simple and I will try and sum it in 10 steps or less. Also use the mod you made before so it's less confusing. So that means we will use "jedi_demo". You may want a back up incase there is a mistake you made. I suggest you use the Red team color.




Step 1 : This is the funnest and most simplest part. Drag all the red team color jpegs into the "jedi_demo" folder.


Step 2 : Now open the "model_red.skin" with wordpad (I'm not exactly sure thats the name but you'll see it.) Once again replace all the models/players/<modelname>/torso_red.jpg to model/players/jedi_demo/torso_red.jpg


Example : "torso, models/players/kyle/torso red.jpg" to "torso, models/players/jedi_demo/torso_red.jpg"




Step 3 : Click save as and set filename to "head_b1.skin" noticed it is no longer "a1". That really is the trick. change a1 to b1 and for blue make it c1.


Step 4 : Remember to make a "torso_b1.skin" and "lower_b1.skin"


Step 5 : Confused? Then read it again.


Step 6 : Success! You can have as many as you want up to "z1" (thats 26)


Step 7 : Remember to rename the icon file from "icon_red" to "icon_head_b1" then drag it to the "jedi_demo". repeat with "icon_lower_b1" and "icon_torso_b1"


You can now have multiple of the same model.


The End


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