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REALLY Annoying problem [JA]


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After a while of SP, when I go to the console and type in the cheat "helpusobi 1", Jade starts to move of his own accord and I can't control him, whenever I press a button the message "Three Keys Down For a Button!" Is displayed. I have found no way to stop this at all. It is really annoying.


Please only posts that help me solve this promblem. I don't want any "OMG N00B UR USIN CH33TS!12"!21!" Stuff.

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Thanks for the tips. I forgot about devmapall, and I found out where it prints this message. From the Quake 3 code: cl_input.c which 'builds an intended movement command to send to the server'.


if (!b->down[0])
	b->down[0] = k;
else if (!b->down[1])
	b->down[1] = k;
	Con_Printf ("<B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Three keys down for a button</B>!\n");


So that's a snippet of movement code. I'm not a coder, but does this mean that JA is getting varibles mixed up and giving them invalid values (Some other number instead of 1 or 0?)?


Then should I be able to solve the problem by making the varibles "0" through the console to stop the movement?


EDIT: Darn, Okay, this problem occurs whenever I type ANYTHING in the console. I need help!

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