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I Need Help Deciding Wether Or Not To Get This Game...

Lord Haine

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Just to note, I haven't played this game since August... so some of my comments may be outdated. I've done my best to keep track with the current state of SWG.


Favorite Things:


- The community is just awesome, of course there is the occasional idiot who tries to ruin the gaming experience for others (spamming, using vulgar against others, and so forth). Majority of the player base (well, on my server anyway) was rather kind. Some are more talkative than others, but usually even the silent ones aren't really rude (unless they're RPing some villian or something). You have ordinary players owning shops, to aid the community and to also make profit. PA guilds filled with players who do things together, if it be hunting parties, help start a PA city, even rage wars against other PA guilds, and so forth.


I'm not the best at describing, so bare with me. The community is just simply AWESOME. Many players, all in different servers, but we all somehow can relate. This may be over the top, but while we humans imagine if there is life in another galaxy... in SWG, you somewhat feel the same ;) (each server is labeled a "galaxy", btw).



- Many professions to choose from. Unlike most other MMORPGs, where it's only really level based, in SWG, there really is no such thing. In SWG, you can choose any professions (yes, plural) that you want (if you have enough skill points to do them). You can master 3 full professions, and dabble in a 4th. You can also surrender some skills in a profession to regain some more skill points, or just completely surrender a profession and try something new! You can be anything from a chef, dancer, marksman, bounty hunter, swordsman, architect, armorsmith, politican, and etc. You can even become a Jedi (or Dark Jedi), it's difficult to obtain this profession and I'm not in the mood to explain about it but, let's just say that once you become "Force Sensitive"... things become rather different.



- The graphics are pretty awesome, but if you don't got the best video card, and not enough RAM, the elements will not be as good and it may be choppy (like in my case).



- The vast amount of items you can craft, buy, sell and/or own. There are items such as hats, shoes, jackets, pants, vests, lingere-like clothing, armor, pistols, rifles, swords, axes, knives, minerals, food, drink, hats, sunglasses, fishing rods, etc. You can customize the colors on many of the items, it's just awesome on how much you can craft, buy, and sell in this game. Not to mention, what resources you use... will determine how good the item comes out. Some resources may have better stats than others, sort of like comparing cheap plastic with wood with steel. Simply amazing. (Let's not forget, vehicles and mounts are now available)



- The vast amount of lands to explore (planets), caves, and famous sites. 10 full planets to explore, each planet being 10km x 10km (or was it 15km by 15km?) Each one with different enviorments, and atmosphere. Of course, many claim that "I've seen everything, I'm bored now", though unless you've spent about 1 or 2 months on constant travel... I doubt it. Anyone can run from one side of the planet, to the other within about 30 mins to an hour. But while you're running from one side to another, you're missing everything inbetween.


Get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle (doesn't matter if it's N to S, or E to W), and make a very thin rectangle around the line, a real thin long one. The rectangle resembles the line of sight from side to side... now... look at the blank areas that are not covered. Does this mean, that you've seen everything? Many people tend to think, if you get from one side of the planet to the other, or hang around a certain area... you've seen everything. It isn't really true. Of course, with the introduction of mounts and vehicles, it makes travel quicker... but you're not going to see every single thing that quickly. There are some awesome famous sites to see, such as Ewok villages (both in the trees and on the ground), Nightsister Witch tribes, caves, the Emperor's retreat, Rebel base, Exar Kun's temple, Massassi Temple, Fort Tusken and so forth. (Let's not forget caves)



- Quests, there aren't many of these. There are many individual missions (other than the standard delivery/destroy missions on the local or faction mission terminals), they’re usually obtained from an NPC who needs a request of some sort. If it be a delivery, a search, or a destroy mission. Apart from finding such people in cities or villages, they also have them in such famous sites as Jabba's Palace, Emperor's Retreat, Rebel base on Corellia, and so forth.


But if I remember correctly... they're adding larger/better quests into the game. I forgot what they are or the details about them, but I heard they were pretty entertaining. You'll have to ask a current SWG player for more details (or search swg.com) .



- The sounds and music is superb! The FX draws you closer into the Star Wars universe, indulging yourself deeper into your imagination while playing this game (same with the music). Though it needs some more FX here and there, and DEFINATLY more music at times, it's still appeasing the ears. I've read many reviews about SWG, and even those that bashed SWG... did enjoy the sound and music in the game a lot.



- Customize your character any which way you want, the variations are just way too much to even count! If it be skin color, eye color, your hair, your weight, if your eyes are pointy, if your nose is long or short, if you got muscle or not, and etc. Of course, Image Designers (a profession) have more customizable options in the game that you can pick (which are not in the character creation process). Including some more hairstyles and such, you can change these at anytime you want as long as you find a Image Designer.



- Many different motions and commands for your character to do, and I mean MANY. Anywhere from waving your hand, crying, cheering, pointing your finger, kneeling, etc... (I forgot many many many more lol).



- The ability to create your own background, create your own story, your own personality, you live in Star Wars. Of course, not everything from SW is in SWG, but it's pretty good (but will get even better in the future).



- Fight alongside the Empire, the Rebels, even the Hutts, or just stay neutral (or join a PA guild). You can gain faction perks (items), for example... if you're an Imperial and earn enough Faction XP (which you gain by doing faction either delivery or destroy missions) you can buy pieces of stormtrooper armor.



- Own either a small home, or a medium home, or a large home. Own a shop, own harvesters, own a factory, decorate your home, and etc. May be a poor reason to like SWG, but it's pretty cool.






Plus some others I most likely have forgotten to mention (it's late here right now) Here is my... Not-Favorite Things:


- The bugs, the most obvious one of them all. Of course, every game has it's bugs... but at times, SWG can really make you go completely insane (depends per person). Sony/Lucasarts was obligated to release the game before it was fully ready. The game was already a year delayed (original release date was Autumn 2002), so they decided to not release some of the futures right away, while releasing SWG on June 26th 2003.


Of course, along came with many bugs and glitches. Later on, they added many of the features that were suppost to be on release, and still continue to add some brand new ones. But at times (and most cases, it was true) that whenever they'd fix something or add something else, more bugs would follow. But from what I've been hearing (correct me if I'm wrong), the bugs are starting to slowly diminish more and more than before.


Though personally, I wasn't greatly effected by the bugs/glitches, just slightly. So I wasn't one to really complain on that issue, during my gaming experience (except, I wish I had a better graphics card lol).



- What Civil War? Upon release, it didn't feel much of a Civil War at all. Lack of faction NPCs in certain areas, and lack of major Imperial presence (considering the Empire were the bad boys that controlled almost everything). So it felt pretty dull, and as if the Empire and the Rebellion were just angry neighbors, and not actual enemies. Even despite this, the community tried it's best to create some tension, if it be PA guild raids, Rebel players invading Theed, or Imperial players invading Anchorhead, and etc.


But recently, the Devs have been making a lot of adjustments, including adding more NPC Imperial presence in certain cities, creating patrols, and even having Imperial troops pulling you to the side to check your inventory for contraband. :D It's about time!



- More quests needed. Of course, there are some quests and universal bi-monthly storylines that people can play along with, it can get a little boring if there isn't anything juicy happening. Of course, it's mainly the duty of the community to hold events and such, but at times you just need a little boost. But if I remember correctly, they are starting to revamp some quests and adding more into the game.



- Graphics ahead of it's time for a MMORPG. Simply put, many people can't fully experience SWG's superb graphics because many don't have top-of-the-line video cards. Even with those who do, by turning the options all the way up, things become choppy as hell if you step foot into a crowded city! And even with those who have monster machines, with a ton of RAM, and the ultimate video cards, they can't get it picture perfect... considering the Devs have had to lower the bitmap rate since it's now online with thousands of players on the servers.


But even despite this, even with many of the settings on low, the graphics are pretty good. But I suggest you get a lot of RAM (512mb or more) and a really good graphics card, so you can experience SWG even better.



- No space travel yet (but this is pretty much a mute point, since they're going to release the Space Expansion sometime in 2004 or early 2005, with other features and MORE planets).






Thats about it, there are some other issues but I'm pretty much "neutral on", and others I do not remember right now. This list is perfectly honest, I'm just expressing my opinions on SWG, so don't think I've tried to sugarcoat it or anything. Some hate SWG, some just dislike it, some like it, and others love it.


But again, the only way you will truely know, is if you bought SWG and suscribed for at least 1 month (not including your free month, which makes it 2 months), to see if you like it or not.


I wish I still had the game (long story, not in the mood to explain), and meet up with you. The SWG population has decreased, but I've heard from many people, ones who've left SWG, are considering on checking out the Space Expansion, to give the game another try.


Is SWG worth $50 dollars, + a $15 per month subscription? I would say yes, well... I did, and still would if I had the game. (Longer subscriptions cost less than $15 per month, but you can't quit inbetween, that's the only problem)


Hope this post helped in some ways, if you have anymore questions, please ask.

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

Hi again,


I am wondering, Jan, did or do you have the problems that DarthMaulUK had? Or did you have some but not as many? Because obviousely you hate the game Darth lol, but Jan it sounds like your having a great time? Whats going on?



I have never in my 7-8 months of playing this game had anything seriously wrong with my game client like DMUK. Not even close when I have had alittle problem with it.


In fact, when I upgraded my DX9 to DX9.01b (or something), almost every single game I had bought the last couple of years, HomeWorld2, Call of Duty, Knights of the Old Republic, Half-Life: Day of Defeat (after upgrading to Steam), Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, all these heavy-on-your-grafics-games, basically most of my favorites (I believe even Jedi Knight: Outcast) were unplayable until Radeon came out with new drivers that was compatible with this new DX version. The only game that I still play alot that still worked was SWG. :)


THANK GOD!!!!!! :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

Hi again,


I am wondering, Jan, did or do you have the problems that DarthMaulUK had? Or did you have some but not as many? Because obviousely you hate the game Darth lol, but Jan it sounds like your having a great time? Whats going on?




It depends per user, some have more technical problems than others, and some don't have any at all. It's as if the SWG randomly picks certain unlucky individuals. :p

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A HUGE THANKS to everyone that has contributed to this thread, i think it will be good for other newbies to this game aswell as me, thanks to everyone, keep the replys coming please and help people decide wether or not to get this game!


:D :D :D


Also, thanks for the really big replies, i.e SSO_DarthVader_ and Jan Gaarni and DarthMaulUK, and also Neversober, who has posted quite alot, thanks everyone!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Like i said b4 i tried everything. The problem is the coding of the game. The shading is a tricky issue and the slightest thing can make it crash if its not coded properly - IE: Galaxies.


I moved Galaxies onto my new F drive (just bought it for Galaxies) removed everything from my PC and the problem still happened - then since the Mount patch, it got alot worse.


Oh and when i say I tried everything - i tried everything!



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Guest DarthMaulUK



Like i said b4. If you check out the Tech Support forums on SOE website - you will see hundreds of people with problems. SOE are not helping the masses and are leaving most, like me, out of the cold because they cant fix the problems.


If they admitted that at this stage, it cant be fixed, i might have been a little more happier. Customer support is there for everyone but when thousands are not being helped or just simply ignored, i wonder how many will still be playing Galaxies by the end of the year.



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