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Starting over - class combination?


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I've just started playing KOTOR for the second time, and I'm going to be dark side this time. I decided to play a scout. I'm just not sure what jedi class to choose. What's the most powerful jedi class eveolved from a scout?

(I was soldier/guardian last time, and that was fun, but I want to use the force more this time. Still, I don't want to put away my saber completely.)

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evolved from a scout? It would be the Consular(although the Sentinel is the "normal" path for a scout).


A scout already starts with high wisdom so your force powers will be more powerful. But still, if you really seek a certain balance between saber combat, I would suggest going sentinel and invest into 1 offensive force power line and 1 force power line that ups your stats.

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I'm now a scout/sentinel. Switched at level 5. Question: Shouldn't the sentinel get more then just 1 skill point per level??? The sentinel is supposed to be the jedi class with most skills, but only 1 skill point per level is no more than the gurdian that I played last time. (I haven't invested any attributes in intelligence, but I should still get more than one point, shouldn't I?)

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