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Better to get it when expansion comes out?

Neon Ultra

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If the expansion brings new species and professions to the game, surely a newcomer would be more advised to wait until the expansion. If they started now, and regular players, may find that one of the new species/professions appeals to them more than their current. However with the species they will have to create a new character and start again. This would be annoying, especially if the player had got very far.

Am I right with this, and would it be more advised to wait for the expansion? I think the developers should make it clear what new species and professions they are going to bring to the game so newcomers can decide whether or not they will want to be them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neon, IMHO, a new player COULD just wait for the expansion, BUT, he/she better have DSL or a Cable modem, because I don't even wanna think about how many bugs they'll have to download, better to get it as soon as possible, you'll still have a LOT of bugs to download, butif you want a new species, just make a new char on another server, or buy a second account... Best of luck to you...

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