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Boba Fett's Jetpack


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Alright, im sure most people have noticed the icarus command:



set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BOBA_JET_PACK", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );


I was planning on posting this a while back.. but didnt have need for it. Basically, i want boba to fly in a cutscene. Sounds simple... (hopefully easier than what i did) but anyways....


I thought, (hope its still possible) i could place boba in the map, with an NPC_targetname and then place some nav goals, use the command to turn the pack on, and tell him to go to the nav goals. So for my first test, i place 1 nav goal.. the jetpack turned on... but, (by the way, the navgoal was in the air!) he walked over to the navgoal (with the jetpack on....!) but he was running... not flying. And he stayed on the ground. He started running around in a circle around the navgoal (maybe a side effect of the jetpack.. . or because the navgoal was in the air)


Then i thought, well... i guess i got to get him off the ground. So i set the script:





and he jumped, with the jetpack on... he made it to the navgoal (because of the jetpack) but.. he came back down. By then, it became clear that the jetpack command, just turns on some .efx files on boba jetpack. Anyways... i got him to stay up there like this:




rem ( "boba will fly" );


affect ( "boba1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )




task ( "fly" )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BOBA_JET_PACK", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "boba_fly" );



do ( "fly" );



wait ( 1000.000 );


affect ( "boba1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )






basically.. by freezing him in mid air. This is "ok" but i want him to actually move along a path. (i had thought about putting a clip brush under him, and just moving the brush around.. sort of like an elevater... but thats a LOT of work!)


heres a vid of what i got:




I know.. thats not a cutscene.. it was my test. I walked forward into a trigger_once... and you know the rest.


Anyone know how to get it to work better (properly!)? Please.. ideas.. something. Thanks in advanced.



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