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A Mod for dummies handout


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I'm pretty computer literate but i don't know much about programming ok here's my question would it be possible for any of you expert moder's to write a small handout on how to mod. I downloaded fred's program and I got it work but I'm lost in what I should do. Any of you experts can write it if you want, it's up to you.


ps. What happens at the end when you play as a female character. the interactions between bastilla and the main character and carth? I've beaten the game playing a male character.

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I'm not an expert actually I just started to learn this stuff about a month ago, So I won't even try to write a all encompassing guide lol. But to get you started look here It's for NWN, but still very usefull and there are lots of posts in this forum that will teach you how to do some basic things. You just need to decide what you want to do then search to see if it's been discussed.


And if you want to know what happens if you finnish playing as a female, then play again as a female. Take a look at the Mod list to enhance the game.

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