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why do i never feel like logging in


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yo all theres something that puzzles me for some reason i just never seem to what to log in to this game its the first mmorpg ive ever played that i never play and when i do log in its only for around hour i do a few quests then get fed up after makeing a few 1000s credits there just seems to be no buzz of the hunt so to speak i must be missing my loot :)) when i played daoc i found it hard to stop playing but with swg i find it hard to start playing :(( theres something missing but i dont know what it is.happy hunting:)and live long and prosper.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

What lovebug is saying..... is that Galaxies has no appeal. There is no real content and no proper adventures (I dont include running around picking things up an adventure)


There should be dangerous spy missions with huge rewards for completing.



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The fact is youre bored of the game. If you dont want to play the game.... dont.... Buy something else. Theres plenty of us who actually enjoy this game and contrary to what darthmaul uk says, still does have appeal for the majoprity of us who read this section.


I kinda get a bit sick of reading all the posts from people who dont like the game anymore but still feel the need to post on here, saying how bored they are of it or how crap it is.


If you dont like it, dont play it... but dont spoil it for those of us who still DO enjoy the game.

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actually i'm glad that people who dont like the game post their side. i see post all the time asking if they should buy the game. if they only see post from people who like it then they buy it and they dont like it they have wasted lots of money. i think the game could be better and i dont think sony has done a good job but i still enjoy playing. but it is getting old. the new bio lab they are adding seems like it might be cool. if they keep doing things like that maybe it will get better.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This is it.


If no one posted bad comments about the game, it would be given a A+++ report - which is far from the truth. So far, no one has thrown valid points for Galaxies.. apart from SSO Vaders little copy N paste ;-)


Galaxies hasnt moved on much in the past 7 months. So theres now mounts, speeders Jedi - but (apart from Jedi) these things should have been in the game from day 1


I stopped playing ages ago but log on here to make sure that people are not misled and also to offer assistance to those who have problems.



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Once again, Darth Maul's attitude about the game makes me cringe, but at least he's presents it in a civilized manner.


If all you can think to do in this game is take missions and run around killing things, then this game definietly isn't going to be fun for you. There is endless variety in this game, but you can't expect for it to just jump out at you and make things interesting. If you don't do anything interesting, the game won't be intersting. That doesn't mean that it can't.

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Originally posted by ho-ta


I kinda get a bit sick of reading all the posts from people who dont like the game anymore but still feel the need to post on here, saying how bored they are of it or how crap it is.



The funny thing is that there is no Thread here that starts out with a Topic like: "I just love SWG" Threads. It starts out with "I hate SWG" and then in that thread the ppl who loves the game type their answers and oppinion. Thats why it seems like alot of ppl hate the game cuz it is the ppl who hates it that starts the threads, not the ppl who loves it.

And this happens to all game forums. Ppl say something when something is wrong. When something is right - We don't say anything until a "hater" opens his mouth.


So if you one day would see a game that have no threads at all in its forum it means that either no one is playing it or it is the worlds best game ever created :)

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