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How to Dog Fight Ties!

Guest Kule Slywakker

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Guest Kule Slywakker

PPPPPLLLLLEEEEAAASE would someone post some tips of how to Dog fight tie's. I am struggling on Moth Searden.


Many thanks



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Ahh yes, the TIE/Ds ... There's no easy way to dog-fight those. They're pretty damn near impossible to hit with lasers. What I do is fly away from them, turn around, and cluster-missile their asses.







Moff Kint




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Whoa my mistake here ... Moff Seerdon's Revenge, that means Tie Interceptors. They're pretty easy to dog-fight if you're coming from behind. If THEY get on your tail, hit the brakes and turn hard, or loop. If they're coming heads on, I lift up and hit the boosters, then turn around on them. Cluster Seekers or just standard Seeking will do much god here.





Moff Kint




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Right smack at the very beginning of this level! As soon as you begin, turn around 180 degress, and destroy a bunker. But the thing is, you don't get to use them until you successfuly completed that mission... frown.gif



Moff Kint





[This message has been edited by Kint (edited March 26, 1999).]

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