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Neutral Kettemoor PA Recruiting!


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Hey, everybody. This thread is for people interested in joining the Dark Knights Alliance PA on Kettemoor. Don't let the name scare you, we have nothing to do with Dark Jedi, and we are neutral in the GCW. We are an all-purpose PA, we'll accept any profession, race, anything. Post on this threads for more info, I will answer any and all questions as I see them. Thanks for checking us out, and May the Force Be With You.

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Hmm, yeah I suppose, I'm really still trying to sort out factional membership, so I guess we'll see. I won't be ingame for a couple weeks yet, but I'll reactivate my suscription come Monday, so I can check the forums, well, wait I'll put it up for discussion here, so check out the General forum. For now at least, yeah, faction won't affect anything.

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