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wieghting the verts


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in this recent model ,


i must have gone round in circles 10 times and all verts have been wieghted but assimilate still says certain verts havent


i have know idea why



can u help me with this as u have in the last thread


ps i didnt want to add this in te other thread cause it would change the subject and i new people have already seen that

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You probably either have: double vertices (meaning either open edges or double faces)


or are overlooking an unweighed vertice. Gat grab the bones in that body part and move them around to see which vertices follow the bone and which vertices stay in place.

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ok thanks dude that wasnt the prblem it must have been cuz i had another modifier ontop or somthing so it workout fine thanks to all that helped me


and neone wonder this isnt negood for jk2 files so i wonmt puut it up its just for me

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