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Utterly useless Naboo

Guest Imladil

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Guest Imladil

Pardon me for saying so, but I am not all that happy with the Naboo starfighter. It's sleek and deadly, with a cheerful paint job...but it's all flash and no subtlety.

Sure, the fighter's top speed is fast. It doesn't follow a smooth acceleration curve like the A-wing does, though; it just jets up to top speed, probably crashing into something on the way. The rapid-fire lasers and full load of heavy bombs over-arm the ship--targets become too easy, costing your game its sense of challenge. Also, I keep smacking that long tail into the ground when I fly low!

The last straw was when I discovered that one could choose this ship on the prison train attack on Kessel...but had no ion cannon with which to disable the train. I wound up taking out all the enemy, then yelling at my dim-witted wingmen to SHOOT the darned train! As usual, the other ships were worthless...and the train got away. It doesn't make sense to me that the programmers would allow you to choose a ship on a level where it wasn't equipped to pass the test. Am I missing something?

Back off, Force Guy! This ain't no flashlight...


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Guest CorHorn

Yes, speed ees goot!



"Cover me, Ten. I'm going in. And for the last time, I WILL NOT PULL YOUR FINGER!!!!"





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