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Change outfits!

Nyziel Quar

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I was wondering if there would be some way to change the outfits of the player's character? To make it have even more of an RPG feel to it. We know the head and body skins are different, we also know that some models can't change heads. Holowan cloakworks is a great mod, but it changes the whole model. What I suggest we try is making armor and clothing that looks like the NPC's armor and clothing. Example: In the Endar Spire, you should be able to equip Rep. Armor like Trask's<--(spelling). Your character was part of the crew now I believe. (The problem, I find, with alot of games, is that you look different from the NPC's when all we really want is to look the same, like we belong in that world. This is one reason I liked the game Gothic. Also Morrowind did a great job of this, but it was a little extreme.) Also we should be able to change our clothing, say into something like the clothing worn by the NPC's of Taris.

There are some work arounds though. Using holowan cloakworks you could use one of the player offered heads, and find the arm band that goes with that head. So you could have a few different clothing options. All heads can have the three starting class clothing. Using holowan cloakworks again, find the number of the head you used, then "import" the two other clothing option arm bands. (Example: If your a scout, make the scoundrel, and soldier arm band then equip the outfit you want.) I'm sure the clothing smell's after sleeping in it for a few days anyway:D . And for all the Bandon armor lovers out there (me included) you can use Shimaon's head mesh to use Bandon's head and potrait for the game, then use holwan cloakworks for Bandon's arm band #184. Warning: do not equip Bandon's arm band while wearing armor, will crash game. Well I'm done for now, sorry for the long first post.


P.S.- I wanted to thank the holowan community for all there hard work. I have been reading the forum a long time. Some people in paticular: Kitty Kitty, CDRseadog, t7nowhere, Shimaon, Andargor, tk102 to name a few. I'll need a new thread to name all the names! But thanks anyway, keep it up.

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Well this depends on a lot of things, we could add the republic mod armor to have the disguise property but that means class size diferences will be lost, just like when using the Sith armor my (non mod) Scoundrel character becames tall .


the big problem is meshes and the ability to add new Model and Tex fields on the .2da without going insane with the effort, with that out of the way things get a lot easier.

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