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macros for droid engineer

Mr. thifen

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Build multiple crafting tools. The amount of tools depends how fast you can grind, and how long each thing you are making/practising making takes to finish.


Assign these tools to your hotkeys by opening the Inventory window (or backpack depending where you have it) and drag the tool into the hotkey box of your choise.


Hit the first hotkey, choose the object you want to grind, then hit Return on your keyboard. Move your mouse to the resource part and double click the resources to assign them in the blueprint.


Immediatly the last resource has loaded into it's respective slot hit Return (or enter) on your keyboard. Hit enter again, and one more time.

Wait till you are ready to use the next tool, which is when the timer appears on the first tool. Then hit Enter, don't have to choose the object you are grinding again that will be default from now on till you log or something else happens. double click resources, Enter, Enter.


Then repeat the process.



If you have a mouse where you can assign one of it's keys to double click for you when you hit the button ones do so. Will save you alot of clicking. ;)

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