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Im Now On Star Wars Galaxies! - Officially!!

Lord Haine

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Haine- You DID do the tutorial didn't you? If you didn't then make a new character and make sure you check that box during creation and it will go over all the basics.


As just a scout, you don't get any combat bonuses or anything, so you need to pick up marksman or brawler to fight. Go to a person that has "BlahBlah (A Brawler Trainer)" Blah blah being their name, whatever it is. Or a Marksman trainer. Training novice starting proffession costs 100 credits. If you are out of cash, run delivery missions. Go to the mission terminals and click the delivery missions. That will get you some money safely. You usually need at least the thrid box in a weapon skill line to be able to safely take destroy missions, so don't try. Pay attention to the color of the dot near the enemy's HAM. It will tell you if you can kill it. When you kill a person that isn't a player, remember to loot, as these humanoid nonplayers often have money on them, but watch out who you kill or else their "faction" may not like you. As a scout, harvest every animal you kill. Once you get exploration II, use mask scent all the time. When it works, aggressive enemies (red on the radar) won't automatically attack you and you'll get scouting XP. Use your generic crafting tool to build camps and traps to use to get survival and trapping XP. Don't forget about burst run. /burstrun or /burst can get you out of a tight situation, but don't wait too long or else you won't have enough pool points to do it. And don't go around randomly challenging people to duels like some noobs do. That's just a way to get yourself killed.


Grinding isn't like DarthMaul makes it sound. Grinding is what people do to get through a proffession easier and/or quicker by doing some tedious and repetitive thing over and over to get the best possible XP in the quickest time. It's pretty boring, and is mainly done by people who are getting the proffession for other reasons than playing it. You don't have to grind, but you probably will end up doing grinding or semi-grinding at some point.


Good luck and welcome to SWG.

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