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Defection Bonus

Guest Torpedo

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Guest Torpedo

In order to receive a Gold Medal on Defection at Corellia, you need to find the bonus on the level. Where in the heck is the bonus on that level? I've gone over it and over it.



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Guest Trooper_Max

<FONT COLOR="00FF00">You go to destroy the Tie Bombers that are attacking the building that the guy(forgot his name) is in. Then when flying back look down in the first city you see. I found it there... it is the "advanced" proton torpedoes (if I remember correctly)</FONT>

<marquee><FONT COLOR="00FFFF">Hope that helps! If not, reply!</FONT></marquee><FONT COLOR="FFFF00">





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Guest Demon_Nightmare

After the millinium falcon comes, and you're suppose to head back, follow the radar until you come to a city with the floor having a different blue in the center. It is inbetween 4 buildings and might take a couple of dives to get.



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Guest Tyco Celchu

<FONT color=gold>Just search for the section of the city with lots of stormtroopers. It's in that city, between a tall tower, and a long building.


<FONT color=yellow> <marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor=blue>that should work</marqqee>

<FONT color=bronze>



Tyco Celchu



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