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Guest rebel alliance

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Guest rebel alliance

cool my compute is only a pent 166 and i just got 64 mb of ram put in it and the graphics on eveyr thing are improved even the rogue squadron. net symbol is smooth and looks great.

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Thank god this is the console area of the forums.





Moff Kint


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

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My CPU is a P2 450 with 128 Megs of RAM

P2 366 with 64 Megs

P3 900 with 128 Megs

G3 333 with 256 Megs

G3 266 with 128 Megs

G3 400 with 64 Megs

G3 366 with 196 Megs

Sega DreamCast

Sony playstation

Sega Gamegear

1987 Jeep Cherokee 4x4


Leader of 3 Flight

Don't Click Here=> ani_smiles.gif

I am serious don't do it,you must obey me you are unable to click it because I say so.


[This message has been edited by Rogue9 (edited February 20, 2001).]

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Well well, ok then...


I'm posting this from a SiliconGraphics Origin 2000, with 8 MIPS processors and 16GB of RAM.


There ya go.



Moff Kint


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


[This message has been edited by Kint (edited February 22, 2001).]

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You have the best toys -- surrender to you



Leader of 3 Flight

Don't Click Here=> ani_smiles.gif

Behold the Smiley of Death, Cower in my Shadow, Unworthy ones.

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Actually, they're very good for games. Yes, there's only half the ammount of cache of a PIII, but it's full speed cache. You don't need an excessive ammount of CPU cache for games today, especially if you have a 3d accelerator board. I (at work) need a lot of cache in my servers, but almost all my workstation are Celerons.



Moff Kint


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.



[This message has been edited by Kint (edited February 26, 2001).]

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Guest Moff_Kioet

cool! is your cpu a desktop one?


My cpu is a:


Compaq Presario


Pentium III

64 Megabytes of RAM

has a videocard (i think 4 megs of pci i don't know for sure though...)

600 mhz


Some of the newer games don't like it though, deus ex doesn't run too well on it, rogue squadron 3d runs perfectly, force commander needs 1 more meg of ram in it (WHAT A SHAME!!!!!), all the games from below 2001 run on it though, and that's good enough for me. biggrin.gif



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Guest Moff_Kioet



i have a celeron. i checked the REAL specks on it today, and the computer (whethere it's lying to me or not i do not know) says it's a celeron. Well, i'm glad it runs properly!

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