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My name on Starsider... Please help!

Lord Haine

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Hi everyone, when i first played SWG a couple of days ago i made my first ever character on the Starsider server, but then realised how crummy i was doing, i decided to delete him, move to a new town with a new character and profession, so, i tried to do that today, after trying out a couple of other servers i realised the people were nicer on Starsider, so when i tried to create a character it all went fine untill it got to the naming screen, obviousely i want to keep my Star Wars name, Haine Suras, so i tried to put that it, and it said it was already in use?? Does this mean that someone else has already taken my name? Or do i have to wait a certain amount of time before i can make a new character with the same name again? I.e. A week or something?


Please help as i really did like Starsider and i know someone who will be able to help me as i am a serious newbie... :(


All help will be appreicated, thanks.

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