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The Ancient Knights want YOU !!!!!!!


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Hi I am Draxonfly, Co-leader of The Ancient Knights {Tak}

We are always looking for new members, we satrted in Jk2 but have since branched out into Jk3 and other online games, but Jk2 will always be our home.

So if you would like to join or even just check us out you are welcome to visit us at http://www.geocities.com/forcetak

You can also leaave a post here.


Like I said, We are always looking for members, all are welcome (except lamers!)

New maps and skins coming soon!


Thank you.


Click Here To Visit Us... {Tak}

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Well I'm thinking a "lamer" is considered someone who kills another unfairly or kills without following the rules.


For instance, if someone had their chat box up or their saber down, and they were killed without wanting to do combat, then the attacker would be considered a lamer, if the chat box up/saber down rules applied...

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Originally posted by Miko Reglia

For instance, if someone had their chat box up or their saber down, and they were killed without wanting to do combat, then the attacker would be considered a lamer, if the chat box up/saber down rules applied...


What Miko said!

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chat box, that's very obvious. but there are so many people who have their own deffinition of lamer and feel they need to impose it on the rest of the world. Example: I was in a server where a group of people thought sniping was unfair and therefore made the sniper a lamer, at which point they'd gang hunt the sniper. (Which is lame in and of itself) I've just had to many situations like that to know exactly what a lamer is.




P.S. Anyone who thinks that force gripping and throwing someone off a cliff is lame is a whiner

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Originally posted by Darth Blonde

chat box, that's very obvious. but there are so many people who have their own deffinition of lamer and feel they need to impose it on the rest of the world. Example: I was in a server where a group of people thought sniping was unfair and therefore made the sniper a lamer, at which point they'd gang hunt the sniper. (Which is lame in and of itself) I've just had to many situations like that to know exactly what a lamer is.




P.S. Anyone who thinks that force gripping and throwing someone off a cliff is lame is a whiner


if the sniper is hittin people with sabes down it might be considered laming, and gripping and throwing is also laming if sabes are down, but if they are up, its just cheap :rolleyes:

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