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Nemo's corpse mod


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I've modified nemo's corpse in the ancient ruins to create some speical, custom files:


Nemo's Corpse Mod: This mod will add some new, improved items on Nemo's corpse in the ancient ruins on Dantooine. If you haven't reached this part of the game yet, you won't need to start a new game for the changes to take effect. If you have, sorry, you'll have to start over. Nemo's lightsaber is purple, and his robes are red.


It puts the following items on Nemo's corpse:

1. Nemo's lightsaber- Damage Energy 4-28, Damage Darkside +2-12.

2. Nemo's Robes- 5 Defense, Immunity Fire 100%, Immunity Cold 100%, +7 Blaster Deflections.

3. Sigil Crystal.


here's the link: http://www.geocities.com/marccentury



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Looks good - I'll give it a try ... umm just though of a possible mod idea ... When I first played through I as a light side char - I was disapointed that there wasnt some way of preventing Nemo'd death - maybe someone could do a mod where by there is a chance to save him?

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

Or maybe his corpse would be stolen and you'd have to recover it. You could call the mission .... "Finding Nemo" (cue groans from audience) :)


according to Billy Crystal at the Oscars ...


Nemos already been found :p

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