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Do you Want to mod SW-KotOR? Then Start here.Mod Tutorials!


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Ok I deleted that link as well. I have sent Suchan271's PS tutorials to uru so when he gets them up I'll add the links again. Sry I don't have the Lightsaber tutorial so if anyone has that you can let uru know and I'm sure it will get put up.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm late to do it, but thanks T7 for your hundred thousand of link!


I discovered this forum not so long ago (we're always late, nous les français...) and there are just so many things to read!


Began reskinning my own character (thank to Kitty's tutorials too!) and I must confess every post is valuable here.


Okay for this.


I will ask only one question :


what about a 3DViewer in Ktools?

When working on a skin, it's such a pain in****** since I have to launch the Game, and when the skin doesn't fit my wills, I have to quit and work again on photoshop. And then I have to launch Kotor again, and again and again....


So. What about a 3D Viewer?

Maybe it's already done??? I should read all the posts then... Well if there already is an aswer for this in any post in HLabs, just blame me for the bother.

If not... what do you think?


Ok now everybody, I wish you a pleasant day and long nights (If I don't tell rubbish, you should find this in "Wizard and Glass" by S.King... If I do, it must be something like that...)



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I am able to wait for a long long time...

Till it comes out, I'll continue working with that KTOOLS-Photoshop-KOTOR method.


@T7 : do you allow me to translate your tutorials in french for those who'd like to MOD Kotor? I have the same question for all those who put a Tutorial here, anyway...


Another question for you, T7 : you mentioned the fact that there were two entries for Light Side heads in heads.2da (or appearance? Damn, I should check before asking!! Sorry), is there any possibility to enable Angel Faces?


Wish you pleasant days again....



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@T7 : do you allow me to translate your tutorials in french for those who'd like to MOD Kotor?


Ofcourse you can translate anything( as long as credit comes back here) I have written. The whole reason I write anything is so that others can learn what I have about Modding KotOR. In the next couple weeks I will be writing a couple tutorials for http://www.map-review.com/ I will start by bringing what I have posted here into a more cohesive tutorials.


Another question for you, T7 : you mentioned the fact that there were two entries for Light Side heads in heads.2da (or appearance? Damn, I should check before asking!! Sorry), is there any possibility to enable Angel Faces?


Yup there in heads.2da. Funny thing about that is I haven't tried to get them to work or even to see if they do. I think Kitty tried it a while back,but couldn't get it to work. But sinse you asked I just gave it a quik test and unfortunately there was no change in the skin. There might be someway to enable it, but I'll leave that up to you if you want to try it. It is possible that the function and those columns are just a remanent of something Bioware was thinking of adding.

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Ofcourse you can translate anything( as long as credit comes back here) I have written.


I'll do the translation then, and I'll try not to forget you! Well, I will not forget to credit you nor anyone who'd put a tutorial and allow me to translate it.


There might be someway to enable it, but I'll leave that up to you if you want to try it.


Well. Ok EP, let's finish your skin, you got real work ahead!

Oh, my god! Is it really the Tower? Yes my son. Go west and you'll find answers...


See you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


To preface this message, I want to clearly state to all that I have about 15 minutes of experience with Photoshop. If you are able and willing to help me, I will greatly appreciate it, but please use small words and lots of detail =)


On to my question: how would one go about creating a custom sabercrystal color in photoshop? I'm sure that this software has a custom lightsaber crystal wizard somewhere that will do it all for me, but I can't seem to find it. If you've had some success with this yourself, would you please be kind enough to share your wisdom with me?




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Achillies buddy, I don't think you really need photoshop for a simple blade color. All you really need is MSpaint. All you do is make a 128x128 pixel painting fill it in with black then add your saber color into the middle in circles, although photoshop would be better since you can save it as a .tga.

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Originally posted by maverick187

Achillies buddy, I don't think you really need photoshop for a simple blade color. All you really need is MSpaint. All you do is make a 128x128 pixel painting fill it in with black then add your saber color into the middle in circles, although photoshop would be better since you can save it as a .tga.


I've tried that but have been upable to get the nice blended look that the orginal saber crystals have. Many of my attempts make it look like the "light" was replaced with a glowing stick. Know what I mean?

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What you may want to try if you have photoshop is make your usual 128x128 pixel image and fill it with black again and if you just want a single color than pick the airbrush tool and small spray and then just click a few times until you see a small solid circle in the middle then what you want to do is go to the gamma correction edit thing and increase it until you get the glow you are looking for. I think that should work I'll give it a try too and post up a screenie.



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saber 1


For this one don't mind the little white line it must have been a screen capture error or wahtever.


saber 2



Okay which one are you after?


saber one is simple all you do is take the airbrush tool and make it a little wider than you want the width of the blade and set the flow rate to really really slow and click and hold this should give you that "blend" you are looking for.


the only difference in saber 2 is that white-ish glow in the middle to get that do the same as above and then if you are suing photoshop go to image>adjust>curves or hit ctrl+m to bring up the curve option and tinker with that until you have a light color in the middle of the color circle.


Hope this Helps,


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yes i beat the game tons of times, and this time i started cheating, but i have a question for you. i am lvl 20 at dantoonie and yet i am Jedit Sentinal 0 and i can not learn the lightsaber ability. can anyone please help me, or tell me how to get the lightsaber feat even though i am lvl 20.




BTW: i am level 20 soldier and since i am does that mean i can not add anymore feats? i am sure u can since it is possible to be lvl 20 before u are a jedi.. please help

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@ Foenatic:


Just so you know, you don't need to make another post that says: nevermind my other post you can just delete your previous post with the edit option, keeps the board less cluttered;)

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Hello there!


Actually, I really have nothing to say but : I just bought a Pen Tablet for my bithday, and after some tests, I just want to say : If you want to create real good textures, you should put some money in it!


It really changes from a classic pen, but I think it will be a real revolution!

I'll show you my projects of new PC's as soon as I can (my paper works as well as my beautiful photoshop-pics!).


Well, that's all. Yes, it was a really uninteresting post indeed, but I'm so glad having realized my dream!


Well... So good bye everyone!

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I got a question reggarding KT(Kotor Tool) Latest version!

And when i open a item file and edit it in Kotor GFF editor , i can and cannot change some text in it, since i got robius GFF editor before, but this is much more simple in KT... It is like it locks some editable information about the item.. Can sombody help me with this , thx in foreway.

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you can change everthing with KT's uti editor except LocalizedName & DescIdentified. When your done making your item with the uti editor save the file then reopen it with the gff editor to change those.


I think Fred mention in a post that he may update the uti editor so we can change the descriptions. I'm not certain though, it would be a nice feature but it's not critical.

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