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My First Saber....


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Hey all, im working on my first saber, and it looks like a noob made it...anyways, i'm new here and was wondering if any of you could help me out:


Im using Milkshape 1.7....


1. How can i make and apply textures for my model?


2. And im making a saber, so how can i add it into the game, and get it to be held properly, give it the correct blade length... ETC....


3. Is there anything i should be aware of as far as polies go? i mean should i set a limit as the how many polies my model has?


4. And does a saber model require any sort of animation to be done? i wouldnt think so, but just to be sure....


5. And model size.... how can i be sure that model will not b too big or small, or can it be automatically scaled to fit?


6. Does it require any bones to be placed inside?


Thanks for any help,


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