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Han Solo mod for kotor!


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I have no skills when it comes to modding... nor do I have the time. And one of my dreams would be to play Han Solo in kotor...


Is it possible to make this?

Would anyone have any inntrests in making this mod?


Maybe even adding his blaster and turning Zalbaar into Chewbaca...
















If you want to take it even further... one could add more mission like the one you get one Korriban. The one were you are to transport a box from Korriban to the Hut on Tatooine.

Maybe this is a bit advanced... so please let me know...


seeking skilled modders ;)




please... tell me what you think of the whole subject!





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Yep. What you'd need to do would be to find the best match for Han's head. You're looking for shape here - colors and such make no difference since you'd be changing all that anyway.


To be honest, I haven't looked all that close to even know if any of them would be very suitable, but if there is one, it can be done with a reskin or two.


If not however, then it falls to the old problem of us not knowing anything about the model format - meaning we cannot create or edit any models for the game. Until someone gets that figured out, we're pretty much limited to just the reskins. =/



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I'd start by going to the character creation screen. Go through each head choice and see if any of them are "close" - remembering you're really only looking for shape and features.


Think of what it would look like as a solid white shape with no colors to affect the look, since those are all part of the texture - which is what's going to be changed.


You could also use one of the NPC heads if one seems better suited, but to ensure your best animation compatability for lip movements and the like, you're *probably* best off with a player head.


While going through the player head choices, count them. Use the arrow that points to the right to scroll through them, and count based on the "race" you're on.. so you'll wind up counting through 5 possible 'Black, Asian, and Caucasian' choices.


Once you find the best of them, that's how you figure out which texture needs to change. For example, if you happen to pick the 3rd Asian head model (totally arbitrary example here), you'd need to modify the PMHA03 texture.


Hope this is some help. :)



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Thaks that was very helpfull! ;) I was wondering what type of program you would recomed or modding the textures? Is there any guides posted to that program (if there are any) ?

Once again, thaks ;)






edit: I've looked trough the heads... and I tough one of the afro-american dudes would look nice as Han... but do I have to consider the hair due? Caus his hair is quite different... and color of skin could be change, right?

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First you would want to visit the sticky thread on top of the forums about tools and mods.


Find and download kotor_tool


Get that set up and working, and using that, browse the game files to find:







Under that, find the name you decided on as the closest looking head. (example would be PMHA03.tpc)


NOTE: The head textures come in sets (the extras are for showing your gradual fall to the dark side should you go that way)


The names for the above example would be PMHA03d1.tpc, PMHA03d2.tpc, PMHA03d3.tpc, and PMHA03d.tpc in addition to the PMHA03.tpc - so five files total.


Anyways.. one at a time , double click the files for the head you want to work with. In the viewer window, click the "Write File" button and name it exactly the same as it was, but with the extention .TGA instead of .tpc (this tool converts them for you when you extract them in this manner). -- And be sure you're saving these in your KotOR\Override folder.


The reason you'll want to leave the names the same (for now) is so you can easily create a character with that head choice and load that savegame in order to check what your changes have done.


Once you've got them in .TGA format, you just edit them with any graphics software that can edit a TGA. I like Photoshop, but as its rather expensive, you may have something you prefer.



Portraits, and making this a unique head (instead of replacing one that already exists) are other topics.. but we'll cover those once you get to where you can actually make (and see) changes to the texture files first.


NOTE: There is NO reason to convert these files back to tpc after editing them. The game recognizes and uses TGA files just fine, just as long as they're in the override folder and have proper names.


Good luck. ;)



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In answer to your added in *edit* (it wasn't there when I replied lol)


The colors make no difference.. but the actual STYLE of the hair DOES matter, since that's going to be determined by the mesh (model) not the texture (graphic). We can't edit, or change the model files at this time =/



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No problem. Give a holler if you get stuck on something, or if you get things looking like you want them and want to move on to another step (such as portraits or the like).


I just figure too much crap all at once would only wind up being even more confusing. ;)



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First of all, thanks for all the advice on how to mod! ;)


Second... because I have very little skill. (and patients) I am not able to create this Han Solo "mod".... :( I wondered if somone els would try, since my attempt faild so to speak (and yes, I have given up :()...


If anyone wants to give it a shot, (for me and all the Solo fans here :D) that would be incredably nice!


I tought that the head of the nr.5 white guy was most fittable to Solo's face... and I guess the clothes (to scout) could be modified (White shirt, black vest, blue pants(red stripes on the pants :D), and a holster )


And again, if somone would take on this task, it would be incredably cool!




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