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Leviathan bug??


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I have completed the leviathan level by picking Canderous as the person to rescue the rest of the team.

I eventually made my way to the others and picked up armor and weapons on the way.

When I got to the rest of the team and rescued them from the torture room, Canderous went off to the ebon hawk with the rest of the party leaving me, Bastilla and Carth to continue to the bridge.

Before I got to the bridge a gathered all my weapons and stuff from the room next to the torture cell and continued through the level...

anyway when things finally settled down and I was back on the ebon hawk, I found that Canderous's original weapons and armor (ORDO'S Blaster and daviks armor) and any other stuff he had were missing but everyone else's stuff wasn't.


Is this a bug or did I miss something?

A locker in the medical bay or something maybe?


Any help would be much appreciated



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