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Question about JA (worth getting?)


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Now, just recently I've been having a bit of a jk resurgence, and I decided to check out JA. I purchased JO on it's release date, and after being very, very dissapointed I regarded the news of JA with a bit of reluctance. Hence, I just want a straight answer. No fanboy crap. Is the game good? Will I enjoy it? How similar is it to JO, etc. I was also suprised that the game is still 50 bucks, so I want to be very, very sure before I plunk 50 dollars down for what may very well be another dissapointment. Any help is welcome.

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Originally posted by dan-o2

Now, just recently I've been having a bit of a jk resurgence, and I decided to check out JA. I purchased JO on it's release date, and after being very, very dissapointed I regarded the news of JA with a bit of reluctance. Hence, I just want a straight answer. No fanboy crap. Is the game good? Will I enjoy it? How similar is it to JO, etc. I was also suprised that the game is still 50 bucks, so I want to be very, very sure before I plunk 50 dollars down for what may very well be another dissapointment. Any help is welcome.

Well the game is good but after about beating it 3 times it does get boreing but you have multiplayer mode for backup so in my opinien buy it it is worth every penny!
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Well, basically, they took JK2, and made a lot of modifications, graphics are a bit better, even on the lowest possible (cranked lower than the menus will let you) and the sabers are cooler in my opinion. Models look better. I like the burn marks on players.


If your a star wars fan, youll love fighting the Rancor, and Wampa



The vehicles are cool, you sort of had a taste of it in JK2, with the ATST, but things like:



The Taun-Tauns, X-wings, Ties, rideable wampas and rancors, and speeder bikes, is really cool




I do have to say, the first time I played, almost every level offered new surprises, something cool was in every level, if it was just a better form of stormtrooper, or some kind of monster, or vehicle, it was just cool. I didnt want to stop playing.


Siege is good, but a bit laggy. Story is ok, but in my opinion, JK2's story was a lot better. Kinda just ends, the game is going good, and things are nice.... then you go to the academy and luke says "ok, lets get em" and... uh... then its basically over. I didnt like the end location either... but this last paragraph was just my opinion. I think its worth the money though, if nothing else, just to waste time (the purpose of games anyways...)

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It's different in many subtle ways from JK2.


If you really really like Kyle Katarn you might be a bit let down since he's only a side character in this story.


If you liked MP more than SP you'll be impressed because SP adds a lot of stuff from MP (Missing force powers, enemies, items).


Likewise many cool things from SP get added to MP, like vehicles, NPC's, etc.


Now if you really liked doing flip kicks on people in MP you'll be disappointed because they are GONE, (except with mods).


Also if you liked nicking people and getting hits with the Disruptor without barely aiming you'll be upset because the hit detection is different.


If you like the slowness and predictability of Saber combat you'll be upset, because you have two wild new sabers and lots more acrobatic moves.


If you liked editing JK2, you'll be very happy because you can port most stuff easily between games and JA has a lot more potential for stuff, like Siege.



If you are expecting a graphical revolution you will be let down. The graphics are only a little bit improved (saber glowing, dynamic glow, and a few other things mostly). The engine is very much the same since it builds on it.


Some describe JA as an "expansion pack" even though it really isn't.


It's to Jedi Outcast what Mysteries of the Sith was to JK1 in many ways.


Though I consider it an overall superior game (even if I enjoyed the storyline of JK2 immensely some consider it inferior or not worth their time.


It depends on what you're looking for and what you bring with you.


JA may not have enough to win you over if you didn't like JK2.


The SP campaign is much more forgiving (giving you force, saber and better weapons at the start, plus access to more Force Powers and more logical puzzles), but also more generic. You don't get as many choices to customize your character as SW Galaxies, just a few skins for four "classes" which are just visually different really.



So yes, in some ways its more of the same, some ways better and some ways worse (depending on your point of view).



CHECK OUT THE DEMO and play with cheats. Keep in mind that MP is very different. MP has changed less between the two games than SP has (SP was far behind IMHO than MP in JK2). Although flip kicks work in SP they don't in MP (not without mods). So bear that in mind...



If you do decide to get JA, check out Asteroids Mod and Siege. That shows you how far the engine has been tweaked. That sort of thing just isn't possible in the old engine (despite early attempts like SAGA).

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Yeah, I failed to mention that I was getting the demo, I've played it a few times and I like the new styles and stuff, but I think I'll wait for a pricedrop to purchase. Sucks that the dismemberment doesn't work in the demo, too. :(

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